Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Intelligent Systems Research Group


Our Institute

The Intelligent Systems Research Group (ISRG) has the formal status of a research institute and deals with methods of machine learning, computer vision and optimization.

Furthermore, we are engaged in fault diagnosis, anomaly detection and uncertainty quantification of machine learning models.

In addition to basic research we transfer scientic results into industrial and economic applications with a focus on 3D modeling, computer vision, materials science  and manufacturing processes.

The results of our research projects are implemented in technical solutions for various applications, security, health, environmental science, renewable energy and IoT.


Campus Westhochschule
Hertzstraße 16
Building 06.31
76187 Karlsruhe, Germany

isrgspam prevention@h-ka.de

  • (Deep) Neural Networks
  • CNNs, RNNs, ...
  • Action Recognition
  • Uncertainty Quantification
  • Transfer Learning
  • 3D Sensor Technology
  • 3D Modeling
  • SLAM
  • Sensornetworks
  • Probabilistic Approaches
  • ...
  • Joint Optimization
  • Sparse Problems
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Process Optimization
  • Intelligent Control
  • ...

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Our Mission

Building bridges by transferring the most modern AI-research into productive systems

AI engineering: Transferring scientific results into applications requires skills in practical AI engineering, which is promoted by the practice-oriented training concept of our faculties Computer Science and Business Information Systems and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

Collaboration: As link between basic research and cutting-edge technologies we collaborate with other institutions in the international research environment as well as R&D-intensive companies, see our partners.

Scientific visibility: The attractiveness and visibility for our partners is generated by our active participation in the scientific community through publications.

Promotion of young talents: As part of our activities, we promote the development of young researchers by involving undergraduate and graduate students in our projects and by integrating scientific results into teaching, see student issues.


Informations about our newest publications, vacancies and what's going on in our institute.

New Research Project SimpleAgriData

The research in the project SimpleAgriData aims to show how data can be utilised in organic farming to increase resource efficiency, animal health and the profitability of farms.

Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir überreicht auf der Grünen Woche den Zuwendungsbescheid für das Projekt „SimpleAgriData“ an Verbundkoordinatorin Prof. Dr. Christine Preisach

New Research Project SimpleAgriData

The research in the project SimpleAgriData aims to show how data can be utilised in organic farming to increase resource efficiency, animal health and the profitability of farms.

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Research Award 2024 goes to Prof. Dr. Christine Preisach!

Prof. Dr. Christine Preisach receives the Research Award 2024 of the Hochschule Karlsruhe for her research in the field of AI and renewable energy. Congratulations!

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Video Shoot at the ISRG

On September 26th, a video shoot about our research work took place in the Westhochschule, where the rooms of the ISRG are located.

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Prof. Christine Preisach joins the ISRG

Prof. Christine Preisach joins the ISRG as new Group Coordinator and with her 4 further members increase our team.

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Congratulations to our master student Katharina Post for winning the best presentation award at the CERC 2023!

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Winter School "Advanced Topics in AI"

The first Winter School "Advanced Topics in AI" of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems took place in mid-February. Master's students with previous knowledge in the field of machine learning were able to deepen their knowledge in the field of Embedded AI.

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Successful Online Workshop Materials and Process Design

ISRG has been part of the scientific committee for the Online Workshop "Data-driven modeling and optimization along the processing-structure properties chain for materials and process design" that was attended by 150 researchers.

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Congratulations to our member Johannes Wetzel for passing his doctoral examination!

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Congratulations to our member Johannes Dornheim for passing his doctoral examination!

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Interview in "physiopraxis"

Interview about our Infermod3D project with our partner Kai Stoevesandt from Varilag and Astrid Laubenheimer, published in the journal "physiopraxis" no. 3/21.

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Kick-Off of "Q-AMeLiA"

Our consortium of universities and industry starts with a kick-off meeting of the research project Quality Assurance of Machine Learning Applications.

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JOMS on the ECCV 2020

We presented our JOMS - Joint Optimization for Multi-Person Shape Models from Markerless 3D-Scans on the 16th ECCV 2020! See our research on 3D Morphable Models.

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SWR reports on "Komo3D"

Broadcast Dates (German TV): SWR Aktuell Baden-Württemberg 19.07.2020 18.00, ARD Morgenmagazin 22.07.2020, Landesschau Baden-Württemberg, 28.07.2020, 18.45 (starting at minute 24:08). See our project Komo3D.

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Since the ISRG was founded in 2009, we collaborate with national and international partners from research and industry.



Projects Publications Team Student Issues Directions