Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Winter School "Advanced Topics in AI"

The first Winter School "Advanced Topics in AI" of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems took place in mid-February. Master's students with previous knowledge in the field of machine learning were able to deepen their knowledge in the field of Embedded AI.

In the week from 20.02. to 24.02.2023, the first Winter School "Advanced Topics in AI" of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems took place! The event was aimed at master students of the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences with prior knowledge in machine learning. It was held by Mickael Cormier from the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB) / Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) as a seminar-like lecture with an integrated exercise section.

The topic of this year's Winter School was "Embedded AI", discussing the following contents:
- AI hardware requirements
- Metrics for the evaluation of different hardware architectures
- Properties of different technologies and hardware
- Architectures especially for different classifiers
- Effects of different architectures on energy consumption and processing speed
- Effect of quantization on energy consumption and classification accuracy
- Methods for co-optimization of architecture for implementation of algorithms and hardware

The series of lectures on "Advanced Topics in AI" is organized jointly by the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Systems and the ISRG.

It will be continued in september as part of a Summer School. Further information will be published soon.