Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Study in German

Master at the HKA International Course StudyPLUS
Architecture Available
Degree Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 180 in total
Standard Period Of Study 6 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)
Notification Yes (IMI number 154477)

Architects shape public and private space, bear responsibility towards society and the environment, and respond to economic, social and technical change. We therefore understand and practice architecture as a combination of complementary topics and competencies, which are also continuously related in the course of study. The goal of our study concept is the increasing dissolution of classical barriers between the disciplines and the promotion of interdisciplinary approaches and working methods. We are guided by the model of an "architecture workshop" in which students, staff, lecturers and professors work, research and discuss their subject together.

Automotive Engineering Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In this degree program, you'll combine the mechanical fundamentals of vehicles with electrical engineering and computer science. The degree of "Master of Science" can be acquired at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences in the master's program "Automotive Systems Engineering".

Baumanagement und Baubetrieb Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Große Bauprojekte bringen einige Herausforderungen mit sich. Ist das Gebäude funktional richtig gedacht, fällt es auch nicht in sich zusammen, wenn der nächste Sturm aufkommt? Viele Dinge im bauphysikalischen Bereich müssen bedacht werden, bevor ein Gebäude erbaut werden kann. Doch parallel zur korrekten Bemessung und Berechnung des zu erbauenden Objekts, müssen noch Dinge wie Wirtschaftlichkeit, Planung und Steuerung des Projekts selbst und viele weitere Aspekte nach Beendigung des Baus Beachtung finden. Und hier kommen Sie als zukünftige Baubetriebler/innen und Baumanager/innen ins Spiel.

Business Information Systems Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

With a degree in Business Information Systems, you will combine technical and business skills. As a result, you will help determine the business processes in tomorrow's companies and decisively shape them through the use of information technology (IT). International contacts to renowned partner companies as well as excellent scientific qualifications and several years of professional and teaching experience of our teaching staff enable you to start your professional life opening many doors.

Business Management - Digital Business Management Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The newly designed Bachelor's degree course in Business Management prepares you in seven semesters for a career in business administration in national and international companies. During your studies, you will not only acquire sound business knowledge, but also skills in problem solving, communication and teamwork. This will enable you to play an active role in shaping and taking responsibility in your future field of work. As an important component of the degree course, you can choose from five new specializations - allowing you to pursue your personal interests in an even more targeted way and sharpen your profile for your career.

Business Management - Financial Management Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The newly designed Bachelor's degree course in Business Management prepares you in seven semesters for a career in business administration in national and international companies. During your studies, you will not only acquire sound business knowledge, but also skills in problem solving, communication and teamwork. This will enable you to play an active role in shaping and taking responsibility in your future field of work. As an important component of the degree course, you can choose from five new specializations - allowing you to pursue your personal interests in an even more targeted way and sharpen your profile for your career.

Business Management - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The newly designed Bachelor's degree course in Business Management prepares you in seven semesters for a career in business administration in national and international companies. During your studies, you will not only acquire sound business knowledge, but also skills in problem solving, communication and teamwork. This will enable you to play an active role in shaping and taking responsibility in your future field of work. As an important component of the degree course, you can choose from five new specializations - allowing you to pursue your personal interests in an even more targeted way and sharpen your profile for your career.

Business Management - International Management Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester mandatory
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The newly designed Bachelor's degree course in Business Management prepares you in seven semesters for a career in business administration in national and international companies. During your studies, you will not only acquire sound business knowledge, but also skills in problem solving, communication and teamwork. This will enable you to play an active role in shaping and taking responsibility in your future field of work. As an important component of the degree course, you can choose from five new specializations - allowing you to pursue your personal interests in an even more targeted way and sharpen your profile for your career.

Business Management - Sustainability Management Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The newly designed Bachelor's degree course in Business Management prepares you in seven semesters for a career in business administration in national and international companies. During your studies, you will not only acquire sound business knowledge, but also skills in problem solving, communication and teamwork. This will enable you to play an active role in shaping and taking responsibility in your future field of work. As an important component of the degree course, you can choose from five new specializations - allowing you to pursue your personal interests in an even more targeted way and sharpen your profile for your career.

Civil Engineering Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The area of Civil Engineering is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of people and the conditions of space. As civil engineer, you will be responsible not only for the construction of new buildings or the development of new urban areas but also for the renovation and development of existing buildings and urban areas. Our degree program covers the three major areas of structural engineering, hydraulic engineering, and transportation engineering.

Civil Engineering Tri-national Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Studium wird in Frankreich begonnen, dann in der Schweiz fortgesetzt und in Deutschland beendet.
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Building is not only done on one's own doorstep - other countries also have an increased demand for well-trained civil engineers. And although building physics in other countries follows the same rules as in Germany, many regulations, procedures and processes don’t - and these also need to be mastered. That's why three partners in France, Switzerland and Germany have joined forces to create a tri-national Bachelor's degree program in Civil Engineering to prepare you optimally for an international career as a civil engineer.

Communication and Media Management Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The Bachelor's degree program in Communication and Media Management (KMM) combines the fields of language and communication, design/visualization and IT as well as the fundamentals of natural sciences and technology in an interdisciplinary way. Are you interested in describing specialist knowledge in a comprehensible way or visualizing complex issues? Would you like to develop your media skills? If you also enjoy working on projects in small groups and would like to gain your first practical experience during your studies, then you've come to the right place! In the KMM degree program, you will acquire a broad knowledge base that will enable you to choose a career related to the fields of communication and media.

Computer Science Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The bachelor's degree program in Computer Science prepares you for an IT career with a practical focus, a high quality of up-to-date knowledge and years of teaching experience, offering you countless professional opportunities in a variety of industries. The skills acquired during your studies - for example, analyzing complex problems, developing program solutions, working in a team, and engaging in dialog with customers - are the optimal foundation for entering an exciting and varied professional life.

Computer Science & Media
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The Bachelor's degree program in Computer Science and Media at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences combines media design with computer science, so that you will be able to design and program multimedia software systems. This well-balanced mixture of technology and design opens up, in addition to computer science-related jobs, a wide range of creative jobs in advertising agencies, game software companies or in film and television.

Construction Management & Economics Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Large construction projects present a number of challenges. Is the building designed correctly, will it remain standing when the next storm hits? Many things in the field of building physics have to be considered before a building can be constructed. But at the same time as the correct dimensioning and calculation of the object to be built takes place, the economic efficiency of the project must be calculated during the planning and construction phase, and the planning and construction itself must be planned and controlled. The operating phase must also be taken into account at an early stage already. And this is where you, as a future construction operator and construction manager, come into play.

Data Science Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In the cutting-edge bachelor's degree program Data Science, you will learn to design solutions for complex problems in connection with large amounts of data, to evaluate them and to implement them with current technologies and tools. In addition to theory, we teach you, by means of project work, practical content from computer science, mathematics and statistics, which is combined with domain knowledge from business (e.g. Industry 4.0, Smart Logistics, Financial Services).

Electrical Engineering & Information Technology - Electromobility and Autonomous Systems Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad 5. possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In the years to come, a global shift towards climate- and environmentally-friendly, resource-conserving and efficient mobility is expected. Electromobility is a part of this. Engineers bear responsibility for it being sustainable. It is not limited to the purely electrically driven vehicle, storage technology, and charging infrastructure, but also deals with autonomous driving. With a degree in Electromobility, you will learn in which way electromobile systems of the future will be equipped with artificial intelligence. You will implement the core ideas on autonomous systems in practical training.

Electrical Engineering & Information Technology - Industrial Automation Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad 5.
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Industrial Automation plays an essential role for Germany as an industrial location. In high-tech production, "Industry 4.0", people communicate and cooperate with machines. If you are curious about how industrial plants, logistics and products can be optimized, this specialization will take you to interesting destinations.

Electrical Engineering & Information Technology - Power Engineering and Renewable Energy Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad 5. possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The energy industry offers exciting and diverse projects. After all, it is challenged to ensure a climate-friendly, but also stable and secure power supply. This not only involves generating renewable energies, but also storing, transporting and using them. Interdisciplinary knowledge, digitization and a broad spectrum of technologies are indispensable for this. It's a good thing that your studies at HKA will prepare you for this in the best possible way.

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Modern life would be unthinkable without electrical engineering and information technology. What is behind smart home technologies, or what are smart grids? And how does the interaction of hardware and software work? In this degree program, you will learn how electronic devices are built and developed, how to make them communicate, and how the data is processed. You will learn to design new systems and solutions to problems in order to further develop modern life in a sustainable way. This study program is held in English.

Environmental Civil Engineering Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

As an engineer in Environmental Civil Engineering you shape the interactions between human society and the natural environment. Infrastructure systems provide people with electricity, heat, water, or mobility and dispose of wastewater and waste. These systems are the structural support of our society and are based on the use of natural resources. At the same time, they consume or pollute them. Our resources are becoming scarcer and a growing world population is putting additional strain on resources. So how to align the sustainable management of natural resources with the provisioning of human society in the long term? Only one of the many topics at Environmental Civil Engineering.

Environmental and Geo-Information Management Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Spatial geodata underlie all environmental issues. Therefore, modern geoinformation technology is ideally suited to analyze environmental problems and to model proposed solutions. The latest sensors in space provide valuable Big Earth Data, which are analyzed with up-to-date software and can be used in conjunction with diverse geodata for environmental modeling: Where are the best wind power sites, How does electricity get from northern to southern Germany, What is the impact of the next heavy rain event, How does climate change affect land use, and much more.

Geodesy and Navigation Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The central task of geodesy and navigation is to record, model, analyze, visualize and interpret geometry- and space-related facts. Graduates are employed in the fields of development, consulting, service, and management. They have the entry requirements for the senior surveying administration service.

Industrial Engineering & Management - Digitalization Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The Bachelor's degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management has been redesigned from the ground up. In seven semesters, it prepares you to apply your mathematical-digital-technical as well as business management-economic skills in your future profession in an interdisciplinary way. Studying at the HKA enables you to apply scientific concepts and solutions to previously unknown tasks in theory and practice in an entrepreneurial, innovative and rapid manner. and practice. The six new specializations are an essential part of the course. You can choose from these to specialize in the third and fourth semesters - according to your individual preferences.

Industrial Engineering & Management - Financial Management Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The Bachelor's degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management has been redesigned from the ground up. In seven semesters, it prepares you to apply your mathematical-digital-technical as well as business management-economic skills in your future profession in an interdisciplinary way. Studying at the HKA enables you to apply scientific concepts and solutions to previously unknown tasks in theory and practice in an entrepreneurial, innovative and rapid manner. and practice. The six new specializations are an essential part of the course. You can choose from these to specialize in the third and fourth semesters - according to your individual preferences.

Industrial Engineering & Management - Innovation and Technology Entrepreneurship Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The Bachelor's degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management has been redesigned from the ground up. In seven semesters, it prepares you to apply your mathematical-digital-technical as well as business management-economic skills in your future profession in an interdisciplinary way. Studying at the HKA enables you to apply scientific concepts and solutions to previously unknown tasks in theory and practice in an entrepreneurial, innovative and rapid manner. and practice. The six new specializations are an essential part of the course. You can choose from these to specialize in the third and fourth semesters - according to your individual preferences.

Industrial Engineering & Management - Intelligent Production Systems Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The Bachelor's degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management has been redesigned from the ground up. In seven semesters, it prepares you to apply your mathematical-digital-technical as well as business management-economic skills in your future profession in an interdisciplinary way. Studying at the HKA enables you to apply scientific concepts and solutions to previously unknown tasks in theory and practice in an entrepreneurial, innovative and rapid manner. and practice. The six new specializations are an essential part of the course. You can choose from these to specialize in the third and fourth semesters - according to your individual preferences.

Industrial Engineering & Management - Production Management Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The Bachelor's degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management has been redesigned from the ground up. In seven semesters, it prepares you to apply your mathematical-digital-technical as well as business management-economic skills in your future profession in an interdisciplinary way. Studying at the HKA enables you to apply scientific concepts and solutions to previously unknown tasks in theory and practice in an entrepreneurial, innovative and rapid manner. and practice. The six new specializations are an essential part of the course. You can choose from these to specialize in the third and fourth semesters - according to your individual preferences.

Industrial Engineering & Management - Sustainable Energy Management Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Practical semester abroad in the 5th semester possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The Bachelor's degree course in Industrial Engineering and Management has been redesigned from the ground up. In seven semesters, it prepares you to apply your mathematical-digital-technical as well as business management-economic skills in your future profession in an interdisciplinary way. Studying at the HKA enables you to apply scientific concepts and solutions to previously unknown tasks in theory and practice in an entrepreneurial, innovative and rapid manner. and practice. The six new specializations are an essential part of the course. You can choose from these to specialize in the third and fourth semesters - according to your individual preferences.

Information Technology Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad 5. possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

These days, we live in a highly connected world: smartphones, computers and tablets are part of our everyday lives. In our information age, digital information transfer and electronic communication are important aspects. Do you want to participate in the further development of mobile communications and data transmission? And learn how digital signals are generated from texts and images, and stored securely? In that case, opting for the Information Technology specialization is the right choice.

International IT Business Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad 5. possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The degree program in International IT Business prepares you for a career in the digital and global economy. The study content from computer science and business administration is taught in a practical manner and supplemented with international topics. During your internship semester abroad, you will develop intercultural skills so that you can later structure global business processes and develop needs-based solutions on the job. In addition, you can take a double degree at a partner university (not compulsory). Your bachelor's thesis, which you write in a company in Germany or abroad, completes your studies.

Mechanical Engineering Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In the bachelors degree program Mechanical Engineering you will gain knowledge of the mathematical and scientific basics of classical engineering. You will learn how to develop, design, and build e.g. machine tools, production lines and vehicle components. We also instruct you how to plan, improve, and implement production processes. The curriculum also includes company organization, quality management, and sales.

Mechatronics Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The study of mechatronics is an interdisciplinary field of engineering. It combines the three disciplines of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science. This combination makes the study particularly diverse and exciting. You gain a broad spectrum of knowledge and an excellent basis for the professional world.

Sensor Technology Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad 5. possible
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In the Sensor Technology specialization, you will learn how sensors are used so that machines can also see, hear or feel. Sensors are ubiquitous today and it is impossible to imagine our lives without them: sensor systems can be found in airbags, parking aids, smartphones, game consoles and medical technology devices. Our senses allow us to interact with the environment and other people. A machine with sensors can pick up influences from the environment, convert them into electrical signals and process the data.

Transportation Management Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Science (B. Sc.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Mobility is ubiquitous in our lives and essential for social life. The Transportation Management study program deals with solutions and strategies to sustainably design mobility in the future. The content and interactions of mobility and traffic are taught, supplemented by the necessary knowledge from the engineering, social science, and psychological fields. The individual modules cover the topics of cycling, pedestrian traffic, local public transport, road planning, traffic safety, traffic informatics, traffic psychology, and participation. The broad professional education offers Bachelor graduates optimal opportunities to enter professional life.
