Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

COIL and Virtual Exchange

COIL and Virtual Exchange

Interested in International Teaching Collaboration?

The University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe (HKA) thrives to offer a wide variety of opportunities for the students to internationalize their individual learning experience. Traditionally, this is pursued mainly through conventional student mobility, such as studying abroad or summer schools.

More recently though, internationalization@home has emerged as a valuable addition to internationalization efforts in higher education. In this context, Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) and Virtual Exchange projects are offered for students to gain international and intercultural competences.


Teachers and students from Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences want to be connected to our international partner universities. Therefore, all teaching projects focus on international collaboration of teachers and students.


All teaching pojects will primarily be taught online to enable students from all over the world to connect and collaborate. Accordingly, technical solutions for COIL or Virtual Exchange projects can be provided by our instructional designers.

Collaborative Learning

The teaching projects are mainly focused on students' collaborative teamwork to find an innovative solution for a given problem. Students meet online and get an authentic and meaningful opportunity for international teamwork.

Collaborative Teaching

The teaching projects are usually designed and planned by two or more teachers, each representing a participating university. Teachers are encouraged to contact Moritz Brüstle to find a partner and start the process of designing and implementing their own ideas.

Transcending Disciplines

Online collaborative teaching projects offer a great opportunity to connect cross-disciplinary. In this way, authentic multinational collaborations can be created for the students. Regardless of their specific discipline, professors can collaborate and design a COIL or Virtual Exchange project.

English Speaking

All courses are designed to be English speaking, which naturally requires students to collaborate in a foreign language. Thus, great learning opportunities beyond the subject can be offered. Support in designing English speaking material can be offered by our instructional designers.

Bachelor and Master programs

COIL and Virtual Exchange projects can be designed for both, bachelor and master students. The focus always is on authentic international teamwork for both teachers and students.

Intercultural Competence

The teaching projects usually focus on student collaboration which requires a great deal of intercultural competence, the aforementioned language capacities being part of it. Therefore, students can develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes for effective and appropriate interaction within these teams.


Bachelor International: Instructional Designer
Moritz Brüstle

Tel.: +49 (0)721 925-1144
Moritz.Bruestlespam prevention@h-ka.de

Moltkestraße 30
76133 Karlsruhe

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