Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Study in German

Bachelor Master
International Course
Qualification awarded Master of Arts (M. A.)
Start of program Winter semester
ECTS credit points 120 in total
Standard period of study 4 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)
Notification Yes (IMI number 154477)

As one of tomorrow's architects, you need to be open-minded and intellectually agile in order to do justice to the social responsibility that will accompany you in your professional life. To this end, we have structured the master's program in such a way that in the courses offered you will learn to jointly explore technical, design and socio-cultural potentials, to analyze and modify existing structures, and to independently combine the most diverse levels of thinking and working into a synthesis - each with its own individual character.

Automotive Systems Engineering Available
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In the "Automotive Systems Engineering" master's program, you will gain in-depth and application-oriented knowledge at the cutting edge in close cooperation with the automotive industry. We offer you the specializations "Intelligent and Autonomous Driving" or "Digital Vehicle Development", from which you can choose according to your interests. A lecture series on the topic of human resources and corporate management with external lecturers from industry prepares you for the tasks of a manager in a practical manner.

Business Administration & Engineering
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Application deadline 15.01./15.07.
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Industrial engineers bring together technology and business administration. They know the respective technical language and way of thinking, they are familiar with selected topics, and combine solutions and potentials of both areas into a coherent whole. In the Master's in Business Administration and Engineering (WINM) you will deepen your methodical and analytical skills. Our successful graduates are characterized by their broad specialist knowledge and interdisciplinary perspective. The WINM program is offered as a methodical-analytical program in two semesters in study option A or, in study option B with the specialization digitalization with a duration of three semesters.

Business Information Systems
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Application deadline 15.01./15.07.
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

With a Master’s degree in the Business Information Systems program you will be qualified to independently implement and manage complex IT projects in strategic and operational areas of companies. You will learn the necessary technical and interdisciplinary skills from our competent teaching staff with several years of professional and teaching experience. After 3 semesters, the academic degree "Master of Science” will open up to you a professional career with responsible tasks in management, consulting or research and development.

Civil Engineering
Qualification awarded Master of Engineering (M. Eng.)
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Would you like to expand on your Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and aim for a Master's degree? Our Master's program in Civil Engineering offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge according to your interests in one of the three specializations: Structural Engineering, Traffic Engineering, or Water Engineering. In doing so, we keep in view the demands placed on you as a graduate by the modern construction industry. You will be brought up to date in the use of specialist programs, you will practice applying your knowledge to real projects in small groups, and you will be intensively supervised and supported by the study program’s staff.

Civil Engineering Tri-national Available
Qualification awarded Master of Engineering (M. Eng.)
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Would you like to expand on your Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering Tri-national and aim for a Master's degree? Our Master's program in Civil Engineering Tri-national offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge according to your interests in one of the three specializations: Structural Engineering, Traffic Engineering, or Water Engineering. In doing so, we keep in view the demands placed on you as a graduate by the international construction industry. You will be brought up to date in the use of specialist programs, you will practice applying your knowledge to real projects in small groups, and you will be intensively supervised and supported by the study program’s staff.

Communication and Media Management Available
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Application deadline 15.07.
Start of program Winter semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

This Master's program provides advanced qualifications for the professional fields of technical communication and media management. The program teaches methods that enable students to occupy management, organizational and consulting positions in the following areas, among others: Information Development and Management, Communication and Linguistics, Visualization and Design Concepts, Multimedia Information Processing, and Globalization Management.

Computer Science
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Application deadline 15.01./15.07.
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In the research-oriented and application-oriented Master's program in Computer Science you can study the specializations "Software Engineering", "Media Informatics", "Machine Learning" or a mix of subjects chosen by yourself. In addition to technical skills you will also acquire methodological and analytical competencies. In small groups and under the close supervision of the teaching staff, who have received numerous awards for their research and teaching activities, you will benefit from high scientific quality and topicality. Courses in English as well as the acquisition of key qualifications will prepare you optimally for management tasks in international competition.

Construction Management
Qualification awarded Master of Engineering (M. Eng.)
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Large construction projects present a number of challenges. Even when the building is completed the construction manager's work is not done. As the building is in use maintenance work has to be carried out and coordinated, damage has to be repaired and major stresses have to be identified in advance - and if there is nothing left to repair, deconstruction also has to be organized and carried out. A lot of potential work for you as a future construction manager. And not only in Germany but also internationally. For this reason, the Master's program in Construction Management is continuously expanding its international orientation with new partners. After a standard period of study of 3-4 semesters* you will be fit for the working world - whether nationally or internationally. * (depending on the admission requirements, alignment courses may be necessary)

Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

With the Master's program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, you build on your completed bachelor's or “Diplom” degree in an electrical engineering or related field. This will provide you with an in-depth qualification in the scientific and methodological field. At the same time, the master's degree opens up additional professional fields for you.

Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Application deadline 15.01./15.07.
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The degree provides a thorough ground in particular for a self-employed occupation or a senior position, this also at the international level. It qualifies for applied research and development and therefore suits the requirements for a PhD. The provision of extensive and detailed knowledge of the geomatics theory and methods leads to versatile experts in the field of geographic information systems and remote sensing, spatial visualisation and geomedia techniques, software engineering, GPS-based monitoring and navigation as well as in regard to industrial measurement technology.

International Management
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Application deadline 15.1./15.7.
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The International Management (IMTM) degree program has first and foremost business administration as a subject, but due to its interdisciplinary character it goes far beyond a classic business administration degree. With the possibility to set your own focus as well as thanks to a variety of electives, you will hone your profile towards the future career you have in mind. The IMTM program is offered as a methodical-analytical program in two semesters in study option A or, in study option B with the specialization digitalization with a duration of three semesters.

Master Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Production Available
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In this Master's degree programme, you will deal with technical problems from the fields of automation technology and industrial robotics. You will learn how these can be effectively solved with the methods of artificial intelligence. This will make you a qualified and sought-after specialist who has specialised knowledge for highly topical problems.

Mechanical Engineering Available
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In the Mechanical Engineering master's program you build on the fundamentals from the bachelor's program. You have now the opportunity to set your own focus. At Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, we offer you the two modern and future-oriented specializations "Digitalization in Product Design" and "Energy Efficiency in Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Environmental Technology", with which you will score points on the job market.

Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems (EU4M) Available
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Start of program Winter semester
ECTS credit points 120 in total
Standard period of study 4 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems program is an international two-year study program funded by "Erasmus Mundus", which offers the opportunity to study for a Master's degree in at least two universities in Germany, France, Spain, Egypt and Russia. For the study program, EU-funded scholarships are awarded for which you can apply to.

Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In the Master Mechatronics program, the focus is on scientific and technical knowledge in the fields of mathematics, engineering mechanics, heat transfer, numerical computer-oriented methods, micromechatronics and mechatronic systems. You will also learn basic skills for the development of individual components and systems in the field of electronics and software, also for the automotive sector. The master's program is complemented by basic skills in leadership and human resources.

Mobility Management Available
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Application deadline 15.01./15.07.
Start of program Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Die Fähigkeiten zukünftige Mobilitätsaufgaben zu lösen, verkehrsträgerübergreifende Projekte – auch auf internationaler Ebene – ergebnisorientiert abzuschließen und mit der Öffentlichkeit zu kommunizieren bieten den Master-Absolventen optimale Einstiegsmöglichkeiten ins Berufsleben. The skills to solve future mobility tasks, to complete cross-modal projects - also on an international level - in a results-oriented manner, and to communicate with the public, offer graduates of this Master program optimal opportunities to enter professional life.

Sensor Systems Technology Available
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Start of program Summer semester
ECTS credit points 120 in total
Standard period of study 4 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

In modern society, it is impossible to imagine everyday life without sensor systems. More and more areas of our lives are equipped with sensor systems. We find them in building, traffic and industrial automation, medical technology, logistics, but also in safety and environmental technology.

Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Application deadline 15.07.
Start of program Winter semester
ECTS credit points 90 in total
Standard period of study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Sie möchten ein Unternehmen gründen? Sie werden in absehbarer Zukunft die Führung des elterlichen Betriebs übernehmen? Oder möchten Sie neuen Ideen in bestehende Unternehmen einbringen und dort umsetzen? Dann ist der dreisemestrige Masterstudiengang Technologie-Entrepreneurship (TEEM) die richtige Wahl für Sie! Der Studiengang bietet die Möglichkeit, die eigenen unternehmerischen Bestrebungen praxisorientiert weiterzuentwickeln (beispielsweise in einem Technologieprojekt), indem Sie mit dem notwendigen theoretisch-wissenschaftlichen, rechtlichen und prozessualem Handwerkszeug ausgestattet werden (z.B. Vertragsrecht oder die Beschaffung von Venture-Kapital). Das besondere Merkmal des Studiengangs ist die enge Verknüpfung zwischen Hochschule, Unternehmen und dem Start-up-Ökosystem, die ihr Know-how auf verschiedene Weise in den Studiengang einfließen lassen.

Tricontinental Master in Global Studies Available
Qualification awarded Master of Science (M. Sc.)
Application deadline 15.06.
Start of program Winter semester
ECTS credit points 120 in total
Standard period of study 4 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad The first semester is completed in Karlsruhe, the second in Taichung/Taiwan and the third in Monterrey/Mexico. The Master's thesis is completed in the fourth semester, and students are free to choose their location.
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Sie möchten international und am besten auf Englisch studieren? Sie möchten später in einem internationalen Unternehmen, einer Non-Governmental oder einer Non-Profit Organisation tätig werden? Im Management oder als Projektleitung werden von Ihnen umfassenden Kenntnisse in globalen Wirtschaftszusammenhängen, interkulturelle Kompetenz sowie Auslandserfahrung erwartet. All das vermittelt Ihnen der Tricontinental Master in Global Studies (TRIM) in vier Semestern und bereitet Sie optimal auf Ihre Karriere im internationalen Umfeld vor.