Take the next step in your career with our certificate programs
The rapid changes in today's working world are also changing the demands placed on employees: Tasks are becoming more diverse and at the same time highly specialized. Employees are given additional areas of responsibility alongside their original duties, and specialists need basic knowledge in areas such as finance, project management, and leadership. As a result, in-service training is becoming increasingly important for both employers and employees.
To meet these demands, the IWW offers in-service, continuing education certificate programs to provide you or your employees with advanced training in a variety of disciplines. Adjunct lecturers in the respective field and the professors of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences provide the participants with well-founded specialist knowledge. Due to the high practical orientation, what has been learned can be immediately implemented in everyday working life.
Click on the following part-time, continuing education certificate programs for more information and contact us if you have any questions.
Institut für Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung
Phone: +49 (0)721 925-2815,
Fax: +49 (0)721 925-2811
Geb. E, 2. OG
Wilhelm-Schickard-Straße 9
76131 Karlsruhe
Building Information Modeling
You want to learn more about "BIM" – Building Information Modeling. Then you know that BIM is much more than just the actual model. BIM is a completely different approach to planning and execution, it requires extensive knowledge especially about processes and organization.
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Technical Documentation
Regardless of whether you create technical documentation on a permanent or temporary basis: Our certificate program in technical documentation gives you the most important conceptual and practical tools!
The Technical Documentation certificate program teaches specialized editing competencies and skills that are needed to...
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Technical Multimedia Professional
Today, information is provided in multimedia, multilingual, and device-independent formats. Users expect easily consumable information that is available anytime and anywhere. Multimedia e-learning and multimedia technical documentation are also used in the B2B environment to reduce costs and minimize error potential...
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Sales Representative
Even with the best products companies still need people who understand how to sell them. In the Sales Representative certificate program experts from the field teach you the most important sales skills at the highest professional level – across all industries and with a practical focus.
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Energy Industry Manager
The energy industry is a dynamic field, based on scientific and technical advances and subject to strict regulations. These aspects must be reconciled with the economic requirements of the companies. As a certified "Energy Industry Manager" you will be prepared...
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RAC – Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
15% of the world’s entire electrical power consumption is being claimed by refrigeration and air conditioning systems – one of the many reasons why engineers and scientists are eager to do research in the field in order to decrease wastes in power management.
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Leadership in an agile environment
We have long since become accustomed to alternating between presence and online in everyday office life. Virtual meetings and distributed teams have become the norm. And yet we still act and react mostly on gut instinct. In the certificate program "Leadership in an Agile Environment" you will learn within one year...
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Coaching competencies for managers
As a manager, you have the task of motivating employees, changing structures, optimizing processes, and leading by example. You encounter different values in your working life, you experience dilemma situations and get into role conflicts. Your employees expect you to lead them in a meaningful, motivating, and competent manner. You are expected to...
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Coaching methods
Managers are increasingly expected to take on the role of coach for their employees. The certificate program "Coaching Methods" addresses exactly this issue and provides you with the most important competencies for a goal- and solution-oriented approach as a manager in your daily work...
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Design for Six Sigma
Companies strive to achieve the highest possible level of efficiency in production in order to save costs, use resources as sparingly as possible, and ensure customer satisfaction.
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Embedded Systems
The design of modern electronic systems includes the development of both digital assemblies and the components that serve as the interface between analog and digital signals. In addition to the actual design, verification of the overall system plays a major role not only in the development phase...
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Leadership for Engineers
As an engineers or specialists you are very familiar with technical processes and components of your field. However, economic components as well as aspects of personnel management are often neglected in the respective study programs.
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Power electronics and drive systems for electromobility
Electric and hybrid vehicles are considered to be the drive systems of the future. In this seminar you will learn the essential concepts of electronic drive technologies for hybrid and electric vehicles and how they behave in detail.
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Management and security of communication networks
Communication networks are ubiquitous and an important part of our everyday lives, both from a professional and a private perspective. This makes it all the more important to be able to understand, evaluate, and apply them according to the objectives...
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Management for Engineers
If you are an engineer or technical specialist, you are very familiar with technical processes and components of your professional field. However, economic components as well as aspects of management are often neglected in the respective study programs.
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Optimal control and estimation methods
Many of the design procedures in classical control engineering and systems theory are based on heuristic approaches. In contrast, modern methods lead to a single optimal solution under given constraints. In this seminar, you will get a detailed overview of modern estimation and design methods that...
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Sensorics and IoT technologies
The Internet of Things (IoT) is one of the most exciting topics of the future. Sensorics is the technology that makes IoT possible. Attend the seminar Sensorics and IoT Technologies and learn from experts...
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Agile Management
We have all been expected to be "agile" in recent months. Similar demands are being placed on you as a manager. Rapidly changing trends, product innovations in abundance, and the digitalization of production and logistics chains require fast and flexible decisions. But this is precisely where classic leadership concepts often fail, if you as a decision maker...
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Coaching Basics
Coaching is often confused with classic consulting, but the objective is quite different: While in consulting quick and direct solutions are sought, coaches deal with the overall process and help to find individual solutions that rely on communication and strengths of the coachees, such as your employees...
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Coaching Methods
Whether online or face to face, whether B2B or B2C, by consciously shaping relationships and using a wide variety of techniques for conducting conversations, you will reach your goal faster. In the seminar "Coaching Methods" you will learn exactly these methods to improve your communication skills in...
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Coaching Formats
Good coaching is characterized by responding to the needs of the coachee and adjusting to it. In order to achieve this, this seminar will introduce you to various formats such as business coaching, transfer coaching, walk & talk, and several others, as well as providing you with valuable tools and knowledge to...
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Leadership in the digital age
The challenges of leadership in the digital environment, we have all been able to experience firsthand in recent months. Since the new opportunities bring not only improvements but also challenges, it is important to learn new methods and tools in order to cope with the organizational developments in the digital age.
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Communicative transformation and team development
Digital organizational development requires a non-hierarchical understanding of leadership, working in self-organized teams, collaboration in cross-functional networks, and agile project management.
In the certificate program "Communicative Transformation and Team Development" you will be prepared for this change. You will be empowered...
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Business Administration and Economics
There is no way around business administration and economics if you are part of a company. While business administration deals with processes and structures within a company, economics covers the overall economic relationships. The interaction and mastery of both disciplines creates the ideal conditions to manage your company with all its needs and objectives.
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