Personen A-Z
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Quint
Prorektor für Forschung, Kooperationen und Qualitätsmanagement
- 1984 - 1990 Studium der Elektrotechnik an der Universität Karlsruhe und der Universität Politehnica Temeswar, Rumänien
- 1990 - 1993 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fraunhofer Institut für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung (IITB) Karlsruhe
- 1993 - 1997 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, Universität Karlsruhe
- 1994 - 1997 Lehrbeauftragter für Regelungstechnik und Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik an der Fachhochschule Karlsruhe
- 1997 Promotion zum Dr.-Ing. an der Universität Karlsruhe
- 1997 - 2002 Entwicklungsingenieur / Gruppenleiter / Abteilungsleiter Daimler-Benz Aerospace / EADS Ulm, Funkaufklärung, Funkkommunikation, Radarsignalverarbeitung
- seit 2002 Professor, Fakultät für Elektro- und Informationstechnik, Hochschule Karlsruhe
- seit 2017 Prorektor für Forschung, Kooperationen, Qualitätsmanagement, Hochschule Karlsruhe
- Nachrichtentechnik
- Spektralschätzung
- Informationstheorie und Codierung
- Signalprozessoren
- Bildverarbeitung
- Digitale Signal- und Bildverarbeitung
- Nachrichtentechnik
- Informationstheorie und Codierung
- A. Christ, F. Quint (Hrsg.): Artificial Intelligence: Research Impact on Key Industries, URAI 2020, ISBN 978-3-943301-29-8,
- A. Christ, F. Quint (Hrsg.): Artificial Intelligence: from research to Application, URAI 2019, ISBN 978-3-9820756-0-0,
- F. Quint, F. Alexa, R. Pazsitka (Hrsg.): Proceedings of ProKaTim: Digital Signal Processing Applications, Editura Politehnica, Timisoara, 2016
- F. Quint, D. Benyoucef (Hrsg.): 3rd Baden-Württemberg Center of Applied Research Symposium on Information and Communication Systems SInCom 2016
- J. Hoffmann, F. Quint: Signalverarbeitung in Beispielen – verständlich erläutert mit MATLAB und Simulink, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2016
- J. Hoffmann, F. Quint: Simulation technischer linearer und nichtlinearer Systeme mit MATLAB/Simulink, De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2014
- J. Hoffmann, F. Quint: Einführung in Signale und Systeme, Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, 2013.
- J. Hoffmann, F. Quint: Signalverarbeitung mit MATLAB und Simulink. Anwendungsorientierte Experimente, Oldenbourg-Wissenschaftsverlag, erste Auflage 2007, zweite Auflage 2012.
- F. Quint: Kartengestützte Interpretation monokularer Luftbilder, Deutsche Geodätische Kommission DGK Reihe C, zugleich Dissertation Universität Karlsruhe, Verlag der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, München, 1997.
- R. Vasko, N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: A Real-Time Depth Estimation Approach for a Focused Plenoptic Camera, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 9475: Advances in Visual Computing, 2015, p. 70-80.
- W. Proß, F. Quint, M. Otesteanu: Decoding of LDPC-Based 2D-Barcodes Using a 2D-Hidden-Markov-Model, in: M. Obaidat, J. Sevillano, J. Filipe (Eds.): E-Business and Telecommunications, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 314, p. 374-387, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012.
- F. Quint: Objekterfassung aus Karte und Bild, in Bähr, H.-P., Vögtle, T. (Hrsg.), Digitale Bildverarbeitung, p. 108-144, Wichmann, Heidelberg, 1998.
- F. Quint: MOSES: A structural approach to aerial image understanding, in Grün, A., Baltsavias, E.P., Henricsson, O. (Hrsg.), Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images II, p. 323-332, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1997.
- F. Quint, M. Sties: An evidential merit function to guide search in a semantic network based image analysis system, in Perner, P., Wang, P., Rosenfeld, A. (Hrsg.), Advances in Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition, p. 140-149, Springer, Berlin, 1996.
- F. Quint, M. Sties: Map-based semantic modeling for the extraction of objects from aerial images, in Grün, A., Kübler, O., Agouris, P. (Hrsg.), Automatic Extraction of Man-Made Objects from Aerial and Space Images p. 307-316, Birkhäuser, Basel, 1995.
Zeitschriften- und Konferenzbeiträge:
- L. Marcos, F. Quint, P. Babyn and J. Alirezaie: Dilated Convolution ResNet with Boosting Attention Modules and Combined Loss Functions for LDCT Image Denoising, 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), 2022, pp. 1548-1551, doi: 10.1109/EMBC48229.2022.9870993.
- G. Engel, F. Bhatti, T. Greiner, M. Heizmann, F. Quint: Distributed and Context Aware Application of Deep Neural Networks in Mobile 3D-Multi-Sensor Systems Based on Cloud-, Edge- and FPGA-Computing, Proceedings, 2020 IEEE 7th International Conference on Industrial Engineering Applications (ICIEA 2020)
- F. Bhatti, G. Engel, M. Engelsberger, M. Ziebarth, N. Zeller, J. Beyerer, T. Greiner, M. Heizmann, F. Quint: Context Aware 3D Image Processing and Acquisition : A Service-Oriented System in Scope of I4.0 Applications, atp Magazin, Nr. 3, pp. 76-86, 2019
- M. Sütterlin, N. Zeller, F. Quint: Generating a Totally Focused Colour Image from the Recordings of a Plenoptic Camera, 13th International IEEE Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunication, p. 293-296, 2018
- M. Ziebarth, N. Zeller, M. Heizmann, F. Quint: Modeling the unified measurement uncertainty of deflectometric and plenoptic 3-D sensors, Journal on Sens. Sensors and Sensor Systems, 7, 517-533,, 2018.
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla (2018): Scale-Awareness of Light Field Camera based Visual Odometry, Computer Vision - ECCV 2018, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 11212, p. 732-747,
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: A Synchronized Stereo and Plenoptic Visual Odometry Dataset, arXiv:1807.09372 , 2018
- M. Heizmann, T. Greiner, F. Quint (2018): 3D-Sensorsysteme für Industrie 4.0, INSPECT Nr. 2, p. 22-23, 2018
- N. Zeller, F. Quint: Direct Plenoptic Odometry - Visual Odometry based on a Light Field Camera, Forschung aktuell 2018, p. 22-27, ISSN: 1613-4958.
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: From the Calibration of a Light-Field Camera to Direct Plenoptic Odometry, IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, October 2017.
- N. Zeller, F. Quint: Kalibrierung einer plenoptischen Kamera zur Navigation und 3D-Datenerfassung, Forschung aktuell 2017, p. 82-86.
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Depth estimation and camera calibration of a focused plenoptic camera for visual odometry, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Vol. 118, p. 83-100, 2016.
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, M. Sütterlin, U. Stilla: Investigating Mathematical Models for Focused Plenoptic Cameras, Proceedings, 12th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunication ISETC'16, Timisoara, 2016, p. 285-288.
- J. Konz, N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Depth Estimation from Micro-Images of a Plenoptic Camera, 3rd Baden-Württemberg Center of Applied Research Symposium on Information and Communication Systems SInCom 2016, p. 17-23.
- A. Kühefuß, N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Feature Based RGB-D SLAM for a Plenoptic Camera, 3rd Baden-Württemberg Center of Applied Research Symposium on Information and Communication Systems SInCom 2016, p. 25-29.
- N. Zeller, C. Noury, F. Quint, C. Teuliere, U. Stilla, M. Dhome: Metric calibration of a focused plenoptic camera based on a 3d calibration target, ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, III-3: 449-456, 2016
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Filtering Probabilistic Depth Maps Received from a Focused Plenoptic Camera, Proceedings, 2nd BW-CAR Symposium on Information and Communication Systems, SInCom 2015, p. 7-12.
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Establishing a Probabilistic Depth Map from Focused Plenoptic Cameras, Proc. International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), p. 91-99, 2015.
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Narrow Field of View Odometry based on a Focused Plenoptic Camera, ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. II-3/W4, 2015
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Applying a Traditional Calibration Method to a Focused Plenoptic Camera, Proceedings, 1st BW-CAR Symposium on Information and Communication Systems, SinCom, p. 19-24, 2014.
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, C. Zangl, U. Stilla: Edge Segmentation in Images of a Focused Plenoptic Camera, Proceedings, 11th IEEE International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunication ISETC'14, p. 269-272, 2014.
- R. Ionel, S. Ionel, P. Bauer, F. Quint: Water Leakage Monitoring Education: Cross Correlation Study via Spectral Whitening, Proceedings, 40th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Dallas, p. 2465-2471, 2014
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Calibration and accuracy analysis of a focused plenoptic camera, ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, Vol. II-3, p. 205-212, 2014.
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, L. Guan: Kinect based 3D Scene Reconstruction, in Communication Paper Proceedings 22nd International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision (WSCG), Prague, Vol. 22, p. 73-81, 2014
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Kalibrierung und Genauigkeitsuntersuchung einer fokussierten plenoptischen Kamera, in: Seyfert H (Hrsg) 34. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, Vol. 23, 2014
- N. Zeller, F. Quint, L. Guan: Hinderniserkennung mit Microsoft Kinect, in: Seyfert H (Hrsg) 34. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, Vol. 23, 2014
- L. Ivascu, M. Izvercian, F. Quint, A. Radu: Applying the principles of activity-based costing method for the modeling of the sustainable university, 6. Int. Conference on Manufacturing, Science and Education, MSE, p.465-468, 2013.
- A. Radu, M. Izvercian, F. Quint, L. Ivascu: Modelling human resources education in the e-learning and e-teaching era, 6. Int. Conference on Manufacturing, Science and Education, MSE, p. 205-208, 2013.
- W. Pross, F. Quint, M. Otesteanu: Comparing the error-correction capabilities of different 2D barcodes in industrial environments, Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara - Transactions on Electronics and Communications, vol. 57(71), no.2, p. 31-35, 2012.
- W. Proß, F. Quint, M. Otesteanu: Design of irregular LDPC codes for nonparametric channels, Proceedings of the 10th International IEEE Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications (ISETC’12), p. 135-138, 2012.
- W. Proß, F. Quint, M. Otesteanu: Design of short irregular LDPC codes for a Markov-modulated Gaussian channel, Proceedings of the International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications (SIGMAP2012), p.31-34, 2012
- C. Dita, F. Quint et al.: A Scanning Method for Industrial DMC Marked on Spherical Surface, 11th WSEAS International Conference on Telecommunications and Informatics, TELE-INFO, p. 38-42, 2012.
- C. Dita, F. Quint et al.: Using Mean Shift Algorithm in the Recognition of Industrial Data Matrix Codes, 11th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, SIP, p. 174-179, 2012.
- C. Dita, M. Otesteanu, F. Quint: Data Matrix code - A Reliable Optical Identification of Microelectronic Components, in Proceedings IEEE 17th International Symposium for Design an Technology in Electronic Packaging, SIITME, p. 39-44, 2011.
- C. Dita, M. Otesteanu, F. Quint: Scanning Industrial Data Matrix Codes, 19th IEEE Telecommunications Forum, TELFOR, p. 1211-1214, 2011.
- C. Dita, M. Otesteanu, F. Quint: A robust localization method for industrial data matrix code, in Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on Electronics and Communications, Tomul 56(70), Fascicola 2, p. 12-17, 2011.
- W. Proß, F. Quint, M. Otesteanu: Design of short irregular LDPC codes based on a constrained Downhill-Simplex method, in Scientific Bulletin of the Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, Transactions on Electronics and Communications, Tomul 56(70), No. 2, p. 33-37, 2011.
- W. Proß, F. Quint, M. Otesteanu: Estimation-Decoding of short blocklength LDPC codes on a Markov-modulated Gaussian channel, in 3rd IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing Systems (ICSPS2011) p. 383-387, 2011.
- W. Proß, F. Quint, M. Otesteanu: Estimation-Decoding on LDPC-based 2D-barcodes, in 2011 International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications SIGMAP, p. 34-39, 2011.
- W. Proß, F. Quint, M. Otesteanu: Using PEG-LDPC Codes for object identification, in: Proceedings of the 2010 9th International IEEE Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications, p. 361-364, 2010.
- C. Fischer, F. Quint, W. Proß: Bildverarbeitung für die 2D-Data-Matrix-Code-Erkennung in industrieller Umgebung, in Forschung aktuell, p. 70-72, 2010.
- W. Proß, F. Quint: Comparative Study of a CDMA2000 Turbo code and a linear time encodable PEG LDPC code over GF(q), in: P. Scharff (Hg.), Proceedings of the 54. IWK International Scientific Colloquium on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Devices and Systems, Materials and Technologies for the Future, Ilmenau, 2009.
- W. Proß, F. Quint: Decoding performance of Turbo-Codes and LDPC-Codes with short blocklength, in: I. Sabin (Hrsg.), Doctor Etc 2009, Editura Politehnica Timisoara p. 97-102, 2009.
- F. Quint et al.: A Real-time HF Channel-simulator with C6711DSK, in: Conference Proceedings European DSP Education & Research Symposium, Austin, Texas, 2004.
- F. Quint: A Software-Radio Approach for a Radio-Monitoring System, in Proceedings of the Symposium Electronic Warfare in the Information Age, Oslo, 2000.
- M. Kückenwaitz, F. Quint, J. Reichert: A Robust Baud Rate Estimator for Noncooperative Demodulation, in Proceedings of the MILCOM 2000, Los Angeles.
- F. Quint, J. Reichert, H. Roos: Emitter Detection and Tracking Algorithm for a Wide Band Multichannel Direction-Finding System in the HF-Band, in Proceedings of the MILCOM'99, Atlantic City, 1999.
- J. Kreuzberger, J. Reichert, F. Quint: Detection of Speech Modulated SSB and AM Signals in the HF-Band, in Proceedings of the MILCOM'99, Atlantic City, 1999.
- F. Quint: The role of GIS-based models in aerial image understanding, in Krupnik, A. (Hrsg.), Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Surface Reconstruction and 3-D Object Extraction, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 32(3-2W3):120-126, 1997.
- F. Quint: Recognition of structured objects in monocular aerial images using context information, in Leberl, F., Kalliany, R., Gruber, M. (Hrsg.), Mapping Buildings, Roads and other Man-Made Structures from Images, S. 213-228, Oldenburg, Wien, 1997.
- F. Quint, M. Sties: Evaluating model fidelity in an aerial image analysis system, in ISPRS, XVIIIth Congress, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 31(B3):669--674, 1996.
- F. Quint, S. Landes: Colour aerial image segmentation using a Bayesian homogeneity predicate and map knowledge, in ISPRS, XVIIIth Congress, International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 31(B3):663--668, 1996.
- F. Quint: Aerial image understanding using digital map based semantic models, in Euroconference GIS, ENSG Paris, 1995.
- H.-P. Bähr, F. Quint, U. Stilla: Modellbasierte Verfahren der Luftbildanalyse zur Kartenfortführung, Zeitschrift für Photogrammetrie und Fernerkundung, 63(6):224-234, 1995.
- F. Quint: Kartengestützte Bildauswertung, in List, F. (Hrsg.), 14. Wissenschaftlich-Technische Jahrestagung der DGPF, Publikationen der DGPF, Bd. 3, S. 21-27, Berlin, 1995.
- F. Quint, H.-P. Bähr: Feature extraction for map based image interpretation, in Shi, X., Du, D., Gao, W. (Hrsg.), Third International Colloquium of LIESMARS: Integration, Automation and Intelligence in Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and GIS, S. 1-8, Wuhan, China, 1994.
- F. Quint, A. Korn: Kombination von Bildauswerteverfahren und neuronalen Netzen für die sichtsystemgestützte Oberflächenprüfung, Mitteilungen aus dem Fraunhofer-Institut für Informations- und Datenverarbeitung (IITB) Karlsruhe, S. 15--21, 1993.
- A. König, A. Korn, F. Quint, M. Glesner: Two neural models for fast category learning - neural associative memories and the restricted coulomb energy model, in Gielen, S., Kappen, B. (Hrsg.), Proceedings of the ICANN'93, Amsterdam, Springer, 1993.
- A. König, F. Quint et. al.: A generic dynamic inspection system for visual object inspection and industrial quality control, in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN'93, Bd. II, S. 1243-1246, Nagoya, Japan, IEEE, 1993.
- A. Korn, F. Quint, G. Winkler: Merkmalextraktion für die Sichtprüfung mit neuronalen Netzen, in van der Meer, M. (Hrsg.), Statusseminar Neuroinformatik des BMFT, Berlin, 1992.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Quint
Prorektor für Forschung, Kooperationen und Qualitätsmanagement
+49 721 925-1038
Dienstag, 13-14 Uhr