Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
two people looking at a piece of paper, with machine in foreground

Staff A-Z

Stephan Pap
M. Sc. Alessandro Papa
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
staff member
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Christian Pape
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Professor für Informatik-Grundlagen, EAI und Software-Engineering
Deepak Parajuli
Alexandros Parassidis
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Adjunct Teaching Staff
Wolff Parmentier

Stefan Paschek
Institute of Materials and Processes
Academic Assistant
Marius Pasewald
Heta Patel
Center of Applied Research
Administrative and Technical Staff
Deepthi Jeslet Patric
Institute of Applied Research
Academic Assistant
Selina Paul
Institute for Continuing Education in the Science
Markus Paule
Central Student Advisory Service
Adjunct Teaching Staff
Sabine Pauli Dipl.-Ing. M.A.
Office for Campus Infrastructure and Development
Projektmanagement Campusentwicklung
Georgios Pavlou
Institute for Thermo-Fluid-Dynamics
Academic Assistant
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Robert Pawlowski
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Johannes Penka M. Sc.
Susan Penrose
Foreign Language Institute
Adjunct Teaching Staff
Jürgen Peregovits
José Antonio Peregrina Pérez
Institute of Applied Research
Academic Assistant
Adrian Peritore
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Adjunct Teaching Staff