Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

WeCare - Welcome & Career Services for Degree-Seeking Students

About Us

WeCare - our name is our mission!

The Welcome & Career Services for Degree-Seeking Students at HKA support you, our international students, from your university application to your career entry. We aim to inspire more of you to study with us. Our goal is to ensure that you feel comfortable at HKA, succeed in your studies, and ultimately find a suitable job in the German labour market.

Visit us at the WeCare Office - Raum F 009, Gebäude F

Welcome & Support Services

Rebeca Schröder Crespillo
Counselling for International Prospective Students and Degree-Seeking Students at HKA
Office Hours: 
Mo. - Thu. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
For longer consultation appointments, please schedule via email:
rebeca.schroeder_crespillospam prevention@h-ka.de

Rebeca can advise you on:
+ Questions about applying for a program at HKA
+ Challenges when starting your studies
+ Study organization
+ Questions about living in Germany

Corporate Relations & Career Services

Cordelia Makartsev
Counselling for International Students
Office Hours: 
Mo. - Thu. 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
For longer consultation appointments, please schedule via email:
cordelia.makartsevspam prevention@h-ka.de 

Cordelia can advise you on:
+ Questions about application processes in Germany
+ Finding a student job or internship
+ Questions about entering the job market
+ Application documents
+ Regional employers

Join the HKA Community

Want to make new friends from around the world? It’s easy at our HKA Community Events. Join us for trips to Strasbourg, city excursions, the Christmas market, or just a picnic in the castle park...


Center of Competence
Career Service Internationals
Cordelia Makartsev

Phone: +49 (0)721 925-2505
cordelia.makartsevspam prevention@h-ka.de

Office hours:
Mo., Mi., + Fr. 09:00-12:00 Uhr
und nach Vereinbarung

Geb. F, Raum F 009
Moltkestraße 30
76133 Karlsruhe