Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
two people looking at a piece of paper, with machine in foreground

Staff A-Z

Brigitta Prichystal
Structure and Organisation
Stabsstelle Rektorat
Marius Probst
Press and Communication
Social Media Redaktion / Eventmanagement
Michael Pröll
Sabine Przerwok
Sabine Pubanz
Center of Competence
Adjunct Teaching Staff
Thilo Pudleiner
Institute of Refrigeration, Air-Conditioning, and Environmental Technology
Kathrin Puljic
Human Resources
Administrative and Technical Staff
David Puljiz
Institute for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Academic Assistant
M.Sc. Christian Felix Purps
Institute for Intelligent Interaction and Immersive Experience
Dipl.-Ing. Mechthild von Puttkamer
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Adjunct Teaching Staff
Christiane Putz
Institute for Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Academic Assistant
Jing Qin
Jiayao Qiu
Institute for Transport Systems and Infrastructure
Academic Assistant
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Quint
Senior Management
Prorektor für Forschung, Kooperationen und Qualitätsmanagement
Karin Raab RA
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Lecturer - Law
Sammy Radhouani
Annette Radke
Central Student Advisory Service
study advisor
Calpana Ragu
Nicolas Ramirez Ortiz
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics
Adjunct Teaching Staff
Frederik Ramm
Faculty of Information Management and Media
Adjunct Teaching Staff