Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
two people looking at a piece of paper, with machine in foreground

Staff A-Z

Patrick Brecht M.Sc.
Leon Brecht
Faculty of Information Management and Media
Adjunct Teaching Staff
Nicole Bregulla
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Secretariat - Department of Business Information Systems
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Brehm
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Professor für Massivbau
Dipl.-Ing. Torsten Breitel
Sebastian Brekeller
Institute of Applied Research
Academic Assistant
Thomas Brenner
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Leitung Architekturlabor
Bernd Breunig
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Adjunct Teaching Staff
Dennis Breunig
Central Student Advisory Service
Christian Briest
Administrative and Technical Staff
Bettina Briest
Fabio Britz
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich Bröckl
Faculty of Computer Science and Business Information Systems
Professor im Ruhestand
Marcel Brod
Marion Broda
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Administrative and Technical Staff
Tim-Jakob Brodbeck
Central Student Advisory Service
Katrin Brodowski M.A.
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Dipl.-Soz. Wiss. Oliver Broschart
Ian Brow M.Sc.
Baden-Württemberg Institute for Sustainable Mobility
scientific staff
Kellie Bruchmüller M.B.A.
Foreign Language Institute
Lektorin für Englisch