Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

German-Argentine double degree program


Senior Management
Vice-President for Academic and International Affairs
Prof. Dr. Angelika Altmann-Dieses

Tel.: +49 (0)721 925-1044
angelika.altmann-diesesspam prevention@h-ka.de

Building R, Room 205
Moltkestraße 30
76133 Karlsruhe

Dear students, dear Argentina aficionados,

Would you like to broaden your academic horizons, gain international experience, and immerse yourself in a completely different world and culture for once as part of your Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Engineering at HKA? Do you speak Spanish or have you always wanted to learn it? Then I would like to recommend the following two options within our I.DEAR program, sponsored by the German-Argentine University Center (DAHZ):

  1. Two-semester stay in Argentina, consisting of an internship semester and a study semester at our partner university, Universidad Nactional de Litoral (UNL) in Santa Fe
  2. Double degree program "Wirtschaftsingenierwesen – Ingeniería Industrial": three-semester stay in Argentina, consisting of one internship semester and two study semesters at UNL

For both options, a total of three scholarships per year can be awarded to the amount of 14,400 euros each. Below you will find several testimonials from our current and former scholarship recipients, as well as other exciting links to press releases and videos from HKA and UNL about our successful cooperation.

If I have managed to awaken your spirit of adventure and travel, I would be delighted to receive a brief email!

Muchos saludos,

Angelika Altmann-Dieses

Testimonials from participants

Philipp Zinder

After twelve years in the German Armed Forces, I was faced with a new phase in my life and had to make a decision about the direction I wanted to take in my life. I decided to study Business Administration and Engineering – German-Argentine double degree program at HKA. Argentina is not exactly around the corner and rather unknown to us Europeans. Staying for one and a half years not only allows you to explore the country, but also to dive deeply into the local culture and language. After graduation, I continued to have positive experiences with the double degree, as it is very well received by employers. Many ask with great interest about the experience and impressions gained. The program also helped me win the "Prix Bartholdi 2020".

Starting date: August 2018

Francisco Coniglio

¡La posibilidad de realizar la doble titulación es una oportunidad única y que me abrió muchas puertas!

No solamente aprendí por completo un nuevo idioma, obtuve otro título, o viví más de un año en Alemania, sino que también tuve la posibilidad de formarme paralelamente como futuro profesional.

Me dio la oportunidad de trabajar en dos diferentes empresas alemanas, tanto durante mi práctica laboral como al llevar a cabo mi tesis. Estas experiencias previamente nombradas fueron de gran ayuda a la hora de buscar un trabajo permanente.

No dudaría en realizar este intercambio, ya que no solo contribuyó enormemente en mi formación profesional, sino que también dio un giro enorme en mi vida personal.

Starting date: August 2018

Benjamin Schwegler

The double degree in Argentina had a decisive impact on my time as a student. The opportunity to spend a period of three semesters abroad allowed me to learn a new language, get involved with the local country and people, and feel an international connection in my studies as an industrial engineer (Ingeniero industrial). It was an experience abroad that I would choose again.

Starting date: August 2017


María de los Milagros Capanegra

Como todo intercambio, vivir en el exterior siempre es muy enriquecedor porque uno conoce nuevas culturas y aprende de ellas. Pero, considero que en nuestro caso, Alemania fue el lugar perfecto para que podamos desarrollarnos en el ámbito de la industria e ingeniería. Siempre ha sido un país referente y se ha tomado como modelo en Argentina, no solo por su avanzada tecnología sino también por su eficiencia en las operaciones, y es por ello que la posibilidad de adquirir un título alemán es muy beneficioso para nosotros. Esto nos abre numerosas puertas y nos brinda una gran ventaja ante otros postulantes a la hora de buscar trabajo. Alemania ofrece numerosas oportunidades para crecer profesionalmente y creo que tanto el semestre de práctica como de tesis fueron una herramienta crucial en mi desarrollo como ingeniera. Personalmente, he aprendido mucho trabajando en BASF y he podido poner en práctica todo los conocimientos adquiridos en la universidad. En Argentina, tener una primera experiencia en el mundo laboral es algo muy valorado pero a su vez cuesta mucho conseguirlo. 

Starting date: August 2018

Ana Paula Rivas

El intercambio de doble titulación ha sido para mi un antes y un después. Tener la posibilidad de terminar mi carrera en un país distinto, en un idioma y cultura diferente ha sido, además de un desafío, una de las experiencias más enriquecedoras que he tenido, posibilitando formas de pensar más flexibles, la capacidad de adaptarme a un nuevo entorno, aprender idiomas y trabajar en un ambiente multicultural me ha brindado como un perfil internacional y las herramientas necesarias para tomar acción en un mundo cada vez más globalizado.

Las materias que visité en la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas de Karlsruhe tanto como el internship en una multinacional han complementado mis estudios de ingeniería industrial de una forma excelente y me han brindado una perspectiva increíble sobre mercados y negocios.

Recomiendo totalmente esta experiencia, tanto para crecer de forma personal como profesional.

Starting date: August 2018

Regina Pralle

The many international programs, especially the possibility of a double degree at the University in Santa Fe, were one reason for me to enroll at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. In spring 2020, I went to Argentina as part of the double degree program "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – Ingeniería Industrial". I can recommend participation to everyone, as the experiences you gain from it go far beyond purely domestic studies and are personally very enriching.

I am particularly impressed by the culture of the country, the helpfulness and the friendliness that is shown to you. One is immediately integrated and invited to many different activities, such as enjoying mate tea together. At all times, even during the Corona pandemic, I felt very well looked after. Thanks to my individual contact persons on both the German and Argentine side, who always have an open ear for my questions and wishes, I perceive a high degree of flexibility in my studies and feel a sense of security.

Starting date: March 2020

Daniel Friedsam

A high degree of flexibility, the willingness to take a chance, and the will to break new ground. I was able to clearly demonstrate these strengths by participating in the double degree program at HKA and UNL. The experiences I had during my time in Argentina played a crucial role in my career entry in the midst of the Corona pandemic. It was not only exciting but also valuable to be able to immerse myself in professional practice on the other side of the world in addition to my everyday university life. The participation not only helped me to develop personally and to master another foreign language, but also to position myself clearly on the job market and to gain lasting experiences. The time in Argentina was thus a great extension of my studies in Karlsruhe and a decisive step on my career path.

Starting date: August 2017

Samuel Schauer

It was already clear to me at the beginning of my studies that I wanted to spend a semester abroad in Latin or South America. When I heard about the double degree program, I knew that I really wanted to do it. In addition, the positive experiences of previous participants in the program convinced me.

After two semesters in Argentina, I am more than satisfied with my decision. By spending more than just one semester here, you get to know the Argentine culture and language very well. In addition, the hospitable Argentineans make it easy for you to quickly feel at home here.

All in all, I was able to develop not only linguistically but also personally through the program and learn a lot of new things in a short time. I would recommend the program to anyone!

Starting date: August 2019

Marta Gebrehiwot

As part of the double degree program between Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences and the Argentine University UNL, I was able to spend three semesters in Argentina and develop both personally and academically. I started the program with an exciting five-month internship in Buenos Aires, which was followed by two great semesters of study with many other international students at UNL in Santa Fe. I am happy to say that completing the double degree program was definitely one of the best decisions I have made so far. I feel this especially when I think back today to the many positive experiences studying and working in Argentina, learning about  Argentine culture, and the beautiful trips. Time and again I meet people both privately and in the working world who ask me many questions about my stay abroad, as it is a great program that only a few students are privileged to experience.

Starting date: August 2018

Valentin Coronel

La oportunidad de vivir esta experiencia fue algo único. Como toda experiencia de intercambio es algo muy enriquecedor, pero recomiendo a todo el mundo la posibilidad de vivir en Alemania. Un país increíble, multicultural, con mucha historia y en la elite de la tecnología, ingeniería e innovación. 

Crecí mucho como persona, como profesional y me fui con los objetivos de vida muy claros. Valió la pena todo el esfuerzo, encontrarse con un nuevo idioma y tener que dar más que el cien por ciento de uno mismo para lograr las cosas, para trabajar en una empresa, para pasar los exámenes en la universidad y hasta para crear relaciones en distintos idiomas con distintas culturas. Una experiencia que recomiendo a todos los que tengan la oportunidad de vivirla.  

Estoy muy agradecido a la Hochschule Karlsruhe y todo su esfuerzo y compromiso con el intercambio. Me llevo los mejores recuerdos de Alemania y un sinfín de oportunidades a futuro.

Starting date: August 2018

Matías Fernández

  • Encuentro el programa de doble titulación como una gran oportunidad de formarme como profesional conociendo una realidad totalmente distinta a la de mi país de origen.
  • El semestre de prácticas va a ser muy útil para mi debido a que será mi primer experiencia profesional dentro de una empresa.
  • Considero que mi desarrollo profesional se verá fuertemente potenciado una vez finalizado el programa de doble titulación. Dándome una ventaja competitiva importante a la hora de insertarme en el mercado laboral.
  • La rápida adaptación del programa con respecto a la actual crisis sanitaria, me ayudó a que pueda seguir aprovechando esta posibilidad aún estando en mi país.

Starting date: February 2021

Martín Chinellato

Hola, soy Martín Chinellato y me encuentro en el primer semestre de mi intercambio de doble titulación. 

La verdad es que tengo que comentar que estoy más que feliz de poder vivir esta experiencia. En esta misma espero seguir conociendo diferentes culturas y personas.
Además, brinda la oportunidad de formarme como futuro profesional en dos establecimientos de reconocido prestigio como lo son la UNL y la HKA.

Starting date: February 2021

Thomas Liebert

It is difficult to put all that I experienced into words and to describe it in just a few sentences. If someone were to ask me if I would take this opportunity again, my answer would clearly be YES. I think that alone says a lot.
The double degree gave me the opportunity to immerse myself in a foreign culture while learning and using a new language and exploring a breathtaking landscape. This cannot be compared to an ordinary trip. Through an internship, I also gained insight into the way Argentines work, which I would generally describe as warm. The cohesiveness made me feel more like I was meeting friends than going to work. And later, as a student at UNL, I was able to follow the lives of my fellow students of the same age.
But it's not just these experiences that are worth mentioning. My resume is also significantly enhanced with another degree and a new language. To what extent this will be honored by employers I can unfortunately not answer at the moment, because I have decided to continue studying. But I have no doubts that all this will work to my advantage. After all, I clearly stand out from the crowd and, all in all, I was even able to slightly improve my grade point average.
In conclusion, it only remains for me to say that perhaps the most important thing I have taken away from the program is the development of my personality. Leaving my comfort zone, the lack of availability of certain products, and most importantly, the confrontation with poverty changed the way I look at life.
I think the double degree program was in many ways an opportunity that probably doesn't come along often in life.

PS: I met my girlfriend in Argentina during the internship and we have been a couple for 2.5 years now.

Starting date: August 2018

Niklas Kohl

The double degree enabled me to make great progress in a foreign language in a very short time. I would not have been able to achieve this significant improvement in my foreign language skills in the traditional course of my studies. 

In all previous job interviews, the exchange met with very great interest and was discussed in detail. The exchange thus helps me to stand out from other applicants and represents something special in my CV.

I have fond memories of my internship semester because I got along very well with my colleagues and was able to take a lot away from my internship.

In particular, the double degree fostered my social skills and openness to foreign cultures. To this day, I am still in close contact with my work colleagues and exchange friends from Argentina and have taken part of the culture back with me to Germany. Whether it's mate tea, asado until the wee hours of the morning, or lectures that start at 8 p.m.: The exchange offers a unique experience and is very special.

Starting date: August 2019

Our partner university

The cooperation between the Universidad Nacional del Litoral (UNL) and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences dates back to 2012, when professors from UNL first visited the Faculty of Management Science and Engineering at HKA. In 2016, UNL and HKA reached an agreement for an undergraduate exchange program leading to a double degree "Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen – Ingeniería Industrial".

HKA press releases

  • Prix Bartholdi 2020 for I.DEAR student
    Press release
  • First double degree graduation ceremony in 2019
    Press release (in German) 
  • Prix Bartholdi 2018 for I.DEAR student
    Press release
  • Visit of an HKA delegation to UNL in 2017, including testimonials from the first German and Argentine double degree students
    Press release

UNL releases (Spanish)

News about students