Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Architecture and Civil Engineering

Overview Study programs
Bachelor Master International Course StudyPLUS
Architecture Available
Degree Bachelor of Arts (B. A.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 180 in total
Standard Period Of Study 6 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)
Notification Yes (IMI number 154477)

Architects shape public and private space, bear responsibility towards society and the environment, and respond to economic, social and technical change. We therefore understand and practice architecture as a combination of complementary topics and competencies, which are also continuously related in the course of study. The goal of our study concept is the increasing dissolution of classical barriers between the disciplines and the promotion of interdisciplinary approaches and working methods. We are guided by the model of an "architecture workshop" in which students, staff, lecturers and professors work, research and discuss their subject together.

Architecture Available
Degree Master of Arts (M. A.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 120 in total
Standard Period Of Study 4 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)
Notification Yes (IMI number 154477)

As one of tomorrow's architects, you need to be open-minded and intellectually agile in order to do justice to the social responsibility that will accompany you in your professional life. To this end, we have structured the master's program in such a way that in the courses offered you will learn to jointly explore technical, design and socio-cultural potentials, to analyze and modify existing structures, and to independently combine the most diverse levels of thinking and working into a synthesis - each with its own individual character.

Baumanagement und Baubetrieb Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Große Bauprojekte bringen einige Herausforderungen mit sich. Ist das Gebäude funktional richtig gedacht, fällt es auch nicht in sich zusammen, wenn der nächste Sturm aufkommt? Viele Dinge im bauphysikalischen Bereich müssen bedacht werden, bevor ein Gebäude erbaut werden kann. Doch parallel zur korrekten Bemessung und Berechnung des zu erbauenden Objekts, müssen noch Dinge wie Wirtschaftlichkeit, Planung und Steuerung des Projekts selbst und viele weitere Aspekte nach Beendigung des Baus Beachtung finden. Und hier kommen Sie als zukünftige Baubetriebler/innen und Baumanager/innen ins Spiel.

Civil Engineering Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

The area of Civil Engineering is constantly changing and adapting to the needs of people and the conditions of space. As civil engineer, you will be responsible not only for the construction of new buildings or the development of new urban areas but also for the renovation and development of existing buildings and urban areas. Our degree program covers the three major areas of structural engineering, hydraulic engineering, and transportation engineering.

Civil Engineering Available
Degree Master of Engineering (M. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 90 in total
Standard Period Of Study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Would you like to expand on your Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering and aim for a Master's degree? Our Master's program in Civil Engineering offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge according to your interests in one of the three specializations: Structural Engineering, Traffic Engineering, or Water Engineering. In doing so, we keep in view the demands placed on you as a graduate by the modern construction industry. You will be brought up to date in the use of specialist programs, you will practice applying your knowledge to real projects in small groups, and you will be intensively supervised and supported by the study program’s staff.

Civil Engineering Tri-national Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Semester abroad Studium wird in Frankreich begonnen, dann in der Schweiz fortgesetzt und in Deutschland beendet.
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Building is not only done on one's own doorstep - other countries also have an increased demand for well-trained civil engineers. And although building physics in other countries follows the same rules as in Germany, many regulations, procedures and processes don’t - and these also need to be mastered. That's why three partners in France, Switzerland and Germany have joined forces to create a tri-national Bachelor's degree program in Civil Engineering to prepare you optimally for an international career as a civil engineer.

Civil Engineering Tri-national Available Available
Degree Master of Engineering (M. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 90 in total
Standard Period Of Study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Would you like to expand on your Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering Tri-national and aim for a Master's degree? Our Master's program in Civil Engineering Tri-national offers you the opportunity to expand your knowledge according to your interests in one of the three specializations: Structural Engineering, Traffic Engineering, or Water Engineering. In doing so, we keep in view the demands placed on you as a graduate by the international construction industry. You will be brought up to date in the use of specialist programs, you will practice applying your knowledge to real projects in small groups, and you will be intensively supervised and supported by the study program’s staff.

Construction Management Available
Degree Master of Engineering (M. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 90 in total
Standard Period Of Study 3 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Large construction projects present a number of challenges. Even when the building is completed the construction manager's work is not done. As the building is in use maintenance work has to be carried out and coordinated, damage has to be repaired and major stresses have to be identified in advance - and if there is nothing left to repair, deconstruction also has to be organized and carried out. A lot of potential work for you as a future construction manager. And not only in Germany but also internationally. For this reason, the Master's program in Construction Management is continuously expanding its international orientation with new partners. After a standard period of study of 3-4 semesters* you will be fit for the working world - whether nationally or internationally. * (depending on the admission requirements, alignment courses may be necessary)

Construction Management & Economics Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester  & Summer semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

Large construction projects present a number of challenges. Is the building designed correctly, will it remain standing when the next storm hits? Many things in the field of building physics have to be considered before a building can be constructed. But at the same time as the correct dimensioning and calculation of the object to be built takes place, the economic efficiency of the project must be calculated during the planning and construction phase, and the planning and construction itself must be planned and controlled. The operating phase must also be taken into account at an early stage already. And this is where you, as a future construction operator and construction manager, come into play.

Environmental Civil Engineering Available Available Available
Degree Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.)
Start Of Study Winter semester
ECTS Credits 210 in total
Standard Period Of Study 7 semesters
Admission prerequisites Pre-study work experience is not required
Accreditation Yes (certificate)

As an engineer in Environmental Civil Engineering you shape the interactions between human society and the natural environment. Infrastructure systems provide people with electricity, heat, water, or mobility and dispose of wastewater and waste. These systems are the structural support of our society and are based on the use of natural resources. At the same time, they consume or pollute them. Our resources are becoming scarcer and a growing world population is putting additional strain on resources. So how to align the sustainable management of natural resources with the provisioning of human society in the long term? Only one of the many topics at Environmental Civil Engineering.

Internationale Study programs

Civil engineering trinational

Master Double Degree Civil Engineering


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