Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
two students smiling at the reader

Mechatronic & Micro-Mechatronic Systems (EU4M)

Profile Content Internship & studying abroad
Studying internationally

The Erasmus Mundus study program, funded by the EU, aims to improve the quality of higher education in Europe and to promote intercultural understanding through cooperation with non-European countries.

Participating partners

The EU4M consortium consists of five program partners located in five different European and non-European countries:

In addition, several associated partners cooperate in the master’s program in different ways.


The EU4M Joint Master’s Degree

The EU4M Joint Master’s Degree can be completed in two consecutive academic years. The students spend the first year at the initially chosen university. There, they attend lectures in mechatronics and language courses. The universities offer the academic content in their respective languages (German, Spanish, French, and English) to provide students with equivalent academic preparation and various language options. In the second year, the students transfer to one or two of the other partner universities.

Additionally, further specialization can be achieved through internships and the final project, which culminates in the master's thesis. The internship and master's thesis can be completed either at a partner institution or at an associated institution.


Annette Knödler B.Sc.
Assistant for the program
Moltkestr. 30
76133 Karlsruhe
+49 (0)721 925-1709
Email: annette.knoedlerspam prevention@h-ka.de

An EU4M student talks about his experience

Danial Haris Bin Limi Hawari from Malaysia came to Germany via the double degree program of HKA with the University Malaysia Pahang (UMP), which he successfully completed. Now he is studying the EU4M Joint Master’s degree program Mechatronic and Micro-Mechatronic Systems. With his support, students were able to do project work "remotely" at HKA labs even during the lockdowns of the Corona semesters. This involved controlling and operating physical (lab) systems via the Internet.

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A special feature of the EU4M program are the seminars or hands-on workshops in small groups:

  • Humanoid robots: projects within the frame of the module Programming the NAO robot, in small group
  • Seminars by guest lecturers
  • Language classes in small groups
  • Networking meetings with EU4M graduates
  • Visiting events, fairs and companies
Career prospects Organization & Exams