Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
a man showing a woman a piece of paper, with machine in the foreground

Mechanical Engineering

Profile Content Internship & studying abroad

Internship semester

20 weeks of application-related education

In the 5th semester, a 20 week practical internship semester is scheduled, which you will carry out in a company that you pick yourself. There you can, for example, be involved in projects in the areas of development, production or sales.
This gives you an early opportunity to put into practice the knowledge you have acquired, and at the same time to get to know the operational processes in a company. During this time, you will be supervised by one of your HKA professors.

All students are responsible for finding a suitable internship company and project. We support you in finding a suitable place, as well as with the internship and follow-up.

Prof. Fahmi Bellalouna Phone: +49 (0)721 925-1862 Building M, room 107 more



Office of Faculty MMT
Moltkestr. 30
76133 Karlsruhe
Lolita Lengenfelder
Stefanie Tolmie
Phone: +49 (0)721 925-1914
Email: sekretariat.mmtspam prevention@h-ka.de

Why not join a student project

group of students gathered around the car and its pilot on the racecourse

High Speed Karlsruhe

Take part in the "Formula Student" design competition and build a racing car. Thrills and team power included!

Join us!

High Speed Karlsruhe

winning team on a mini car racetrack

Mechatronics Competition Team (MCT)

Become part of the MCT and get prepared for robotics competitions and autonomous driving.

Join us!


two students sailing their boat

ecosail Karlsruhe

Build a sailing boat out of natural materials for the design and sailing competition "1001 VELACup" and conquer the waves at Palermo.

Join us

ecosail Karlsruhe

racecar on a course

High Efficiency Karlsruhe

For the Shell Eco Marathon, design a vehicle that covers the greatest possible distance on one liter of fuel. Now also as a variant with fuel cell!

Join us (link to the intranet will be made available soon)

three students at the lab putting a probe into a glass cylinder containing ice slurry

Student projects and research at IKKU

At the Institute of Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, and Environmental Engineering, you can implement project or thesis work as part of your bachelor's or master's studies. Why not have a look!

IKKU projects

Studying abroad

You can choose from different offers to complete part of your studies abroad. Please get informed at the Interational Office about the details.

North America bachelor’s program

In this program you will write your bachelor's thesis at a partner university in North America, e.g. in Toronto (CAN), Ontario (CAN) or New York (USA). Lectures and courses are also attended. In total, the program takes 10 months.

North America bachelor's program

Career prospects Management & boards