Mechanical Engineering
Life after university
Our graduates:
More digital, smarter - more in demand than ever
With more than 1 million employees, the mechanical engineering sector in Germany is the largest industrial employer. The fields of activity have changed significantly as a result of digitalization. This means that, in particular, the proportion of IT skills required has increased and soft skills such as project management and teamwork are expected more and more. In the Mechanical Engineering program at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, we therefore place great emphasis on teaching this content.
The plus of a university of applied sciences: We prepare for professional life
+ Practical course work
+ Courses with a practical component
+ Internship semester
+ Final thesis in a company
+ Teaching staff with work experience
Wanted: young employees in mechanical engineering
As a university of applied sciences, we are in close contact with companies and industry. We therefore know that engineers are still in great demand and have excellent career and earning opportunities. On the one hand, this is due to demographic change and the decreasing number of available skilled workers in mechanical engineering.
On the other hand, it is due to the machines, plants and products themselves: After all, these still have to be designed, produced and monitored by engineers, no matter how smart and digital they turn out to be.
Mechanical engineering is changing - we guide you on this way
What has changed, however, is the way in which these things are developed and thus the range of tasks in mechanical engineering. Keywords here are mechanical engineering 4.0, artificial intelligence, robotics, digital production, networking of systems and plants or digital twins. Don't worry - you will learn the necessary basics for this for your studies.