Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
two students on a balcony, about to let fly a paper plane

Internship semester abroad

Internship semester abroad? Too complicated? Not at all!

At Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, an internship semester is an integral part of your studies: the chance to apply your theoretical knowledge in practice! How about combining the acquisition of subject-related professional experience with getting to know a new country?

Because an internship abroad offers unique opportunities:

laughing young people stand in a circle and put their faces together, seen from below

Expand your professional network abroad

litte hearts coloured in countries' flags strewn on a map of Europe

Learn or improve one or more Foreign Languages

group of international students sitting on the grass in front of a university building

Acquire intercultural competencies

close-up of hand writing on paper, with pocket calculator in the background

Upgrade your CV by adding a standard qualification for future employers

table strewn with map, passport, tickets, model airplane, camera and snapshots, sunhat, flask, and scrapbook

Immerse yourself in a new culture and make new friends

two young people sitting against a wall and letting fly paper airplanes

Gain personal experience that no one can take away from you

Sounds exciting? Then take the plunge, because the little extra effort is worth it!
  • Attend the information events offered at the HKA on the topic of internship semester abroad.
  • Ask your faculty at an early stage about the regulations for the internship semester and mention that you would like to complete it abroad. For this purpose, contact the departmental coordination responsible for your degree programme or the internship office management. You can find a list here
  • Find out about possible host institutions in your preferred countries about six to eight months before your planned stay. For this purpose, you should also browse through experience reports.
  • You can use the following information sources to search for internships :
    • Job-specific, country-specific, and general job boards on the Internet such as erasmus-intern.org . You will find more interesting job portals here.
    • IAESTE (especially if you are studying a natural sciences or technical subject)
    • Job portals of international companies
    • Contacts of the departments
    • Contacts of former interns
    • German chambers of foreign trade
    • (International) job fairs
  • Prepare your English-language application documents. Martina Link from the Center of Competence will help you with this.
  • If necessary, apply on your own initiative or in response to job advertisements around four to six months before you plan to start your stay (bear in mind that you will need a visa for most non-European target countries).


Depending on the destination country, a stay abroad is not always associated with higher costs than an internship in Germany. Nevertheless, it is worth looking for scholarships, especially if the internship salary is rather low. After all, you want to explore the country on the side, don't you? You can also apply for BAföG abroad.