Learn a Foreign Language
Placement Test
A Placement test to assess your level according to the CEFR is mandatory for English, French, German as a Foreign Language and Spanish unless you are a true beginner for Spanish or French. (There are no beginners classes for English)
During the IFS Course Registration phase at the beginning of every semester, the placement test is available on ILIAS.
Placement test results are only valid in the semester in which they are written, and for the following intensive course.
Language Course Registration on LSF
To register for a language course you require an active student account.
Follow these steps:
1. In LSF go to the IFS-Site:
www.hs-karlsruhe.de ≫ Online-Services (in the lower bar) ≫ LSF-Server.
In the LSF-Server choose "Events" ≫ "Course Catalogue" ≫ "Scientific Institutions" ≫ "Institute for Foreign Languages (IFS)" ≫
2. Choose your language course and apply for a place; via "belegen/abmelden"
3. Where courses are offered on more than one day please choose your priority 1-3 depending on your preferred day.
Admission procedure
You will be admitted to a course at the end of the registration phase. You will be notified by e-mail regarding which course you have been admitted to. You can also check on LSF where you can also get useful information about the course.
Eligibility for the English, Spanish, German and French courses is checked by the IFS. If you do not meet the admission criteria (placement test or previous course), you will have to leave the course. The IFS only contacts you via your university email address, please ensure that this is active and check it regularly.
Cancellation and re-scheduling
Your plans have changed and you cannot take the course? Or you wish to change the day of your course?
Please inform the respective lector by e-mail as soon as possible if you cannot take the course so that your place can be reassigned.
Late registration
After the registration period, it is not possible to register directly for a language course. You must first contact the relevant lecturer by email and apply for late admission. If all places in a course are already taken, then no latecomers will be admitted.