Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Studieren an der HKA

Applying for a Master’s program

Application Prerequisites

General admission requirements

You need to submit a suitable Bachelor's degree as proof of entrance qualification for the Master's program. It is laid down in the admission regulations (§ 4 or 5:  Grounds for decision-making) which bachelor’s programs qualify to continue studies in a master’s program. 

Applicants to the business sciences-related programs Business Administration & Engineering, International Management, and Technology-Entrepreneurship as well as for the English-language programs Geomatics, Sensor Systems Technology, and Tri-continental Master in Global Studies must also provide proof of English language proficiency (e.g. by passing a TOEFL test).

Individual requirements

In addition, there are special requirements for applicants from non-EU and EU countries with regard to language proficiency and the application procedure.

Applicants from non-EU-countries and from EU countries

Proof of German language proficiency

Foreign applicants usually opt for one of the following exams to prove sufficient German language proficiency:

  • TestDaF (with an average of at least TDN 4 over all four parts of the exam)
  • German language test for the admission to universities - DSH (DSH2 or DSH3)
  • Telc C1 Hochschule (university-level)
  • ÖSD Zertifikat C2
  • DSD II (Deutsches Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz, Stufe II)
  • Goethe-Zertifikat C2: Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom (Goethe-Institut)

Other certificates by Goethe-Institut are not accepted.

The legal basis is § 60 LHG in conjunction with the Framework Regulation on German Language Examinations for Studies at German Universities and the Administrative Regulation of the Ministry of Science on the Equivalence of Foreign Educational Certificates.

Proof of English language proficiency

For admission to the English-language Master's programs Sensor Systems Technology, Tricontinental Master in Global Studies, and Geomatics, you need proof of English language proficiency (e.g. by passing a TOEFL test).

For admission to the Master's programs in Business Administration and Engineering, International Management, and Technology-Entrepreneurship, you must provide proof of English language proficiency (e.g. by passing a TOEFL test) in addition to the German-language certificate.

Regulations for applicants from China, India, and Vietnam

As an applicant from China, India, or Vietnam you must also submit the certificate (APS) of the Academic Review Board at the German Embassy (Embassy Beijing, Embassy New Delhi, Embassy Hanoi) on academic achievements.

Motivation/assessment Following application Contact