Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

ALPAKA - project within the framework of FH-Personal

Academic Career Development of Professorial Junior Staff at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences

Our heart beats for attracting and developing the best professorial junior staff for HKA. The project includes the following areas of responsibility:

  • Testing innovative professorship models (specific professorships with a focus on research)
  • Optimization of the appointment process
  • Workshops, information meetings and networking events
  • Implementation of new onboarding and communication measures
  • Career development and counselling, mentoring program "HAW Karriere"

The ALPAKA project runs from April 2021 to March 2027 as part of the federal-state program FH-Personal. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts are funding the project.

Training & Mentoring Program HAWKarriere

We offer you (lecturers, doctoral students and academic staff) a variety of opportunities for training at HKA. Take advantage of your opportunity!

Professorship at the HKA

With a professorship, you are setting the course for the future! Research and teaching in the subject of your choice is an attractive prospect for the future. We will provide you with initial answers to frequently asked questions about professorships.

Become part of our HKA talent pool!

Benefit from our offers for young academics. As a network member, we will inform you by e-mail about the following special events and promotions of the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA) and the HAWtech universities:

+ regional and national professional and network events as well as information events
+ qualification offers
+ career and individual personnel development opportunities
+ job advertisements for teaching positions and professorships
+ and much more.

Register here: Consent form
(information on data protection)

The project team

Silvia Brunner M.A.
Senior Management
ALPAKA Projekt
Gabriele Moll M.A.
Quality Management
Staff member
Marlen Schubert-Wolf M. A.
Senior Management
Communication & Apellate Procedure - ALPAKA-Projekt