Funded by the German federal-state program Qualitätspakt Lehre (QPL), the SKATING project ("Study Reform Process Karlsruhe for the Transformation of Engineering Studies"), an interdisciplinary team has initiated, accompanied and consolidated processes for quality development in studies and teaching as well as for the transformation of the teaching/learning culture from 2011 to 2021 together with teachers, students, the university management and other institutions. Among other things, central fields of activity of the project will be continued from 2021 at the newly foundedCenter for Teaching Innovation in the Department of Academic Affairs.
With the office of the Study Commission for Higher Education Didactics at Universities of Applied Sciences in Baden-Württemberg (GHD), which is responsible for the further development of teaching statewide and is located at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, on the one hand HKA had a recognized partner with expertise in higher education didactics, extensive experience and established networks at its side for the implementation of the project. On the other hand, this cooperation made it possible to incorporate results from the study reform process into the GHD's statewide continuing education and support offerings in higher education didactics.
The SKATING project supported the teaching/learning process,
by providing information, organizing inventories, analyzing needs, providing evaluative support to innovative projects, and conducting consultations,
in that it provided university didactic training courses and thus spaces for reflection and innovation of teaching,
in that it developed concepts for the further development of teaching/learning in a dialogical manner, accompanied implementation activities and promoted the dissemination and stabilization of successful examples.
- In that it provided spaces for reflection and innovation in teaching.
Fields of activity
SKATING's fields of activity included:
- Consulting, coaching & workshops
SKATING offered individual support in the design and further development of teaching - from the initial idea to its implementation in practice. Within the framework of workshops, in-house seminars and lectures, university didactic knowledge could be further developed and, if necessary, specific coaching by experts could be taken up. - Digitization in teaching
A university-wide contact point for questions regarding blended learning and e-learning was available to the teachers of the HKA. The team provided support through media-didactic advice on the sensible use of technological aids and, together with the computer center (RZ), helped lecturers to make optimal use of the ILIAS learning platform. - Quality assurance & course development
The team supported individual teachers but also entire faculties and institutions of the HKA in the competence-oriented further development or new conception of study courses and study programs as well as in the development and implementation of strategies for quality assurance in study and teaching. For this purpose, the team offered consulting, in-house seminars and process moderation, optionally with external expertise, and supported needs surveys and university statistical analyses. - Study orientation & study entry phase
SKATING supported the development and implementation of future concepts and support offers for the study entrance phase. Thus, the team participated in the conception, organization and implementation of the orientation semester OSKAR and supported students to make a tailor-made study choice. - Didactics of Mathematics
The team dedicated specifically in the basic subject of mathematics the interface school - university, since this subject is a challenge for many first-year students. SKATING was involved in the cooperation group cosh (Cooperation Schule-Hochschule) to facilitate this transition. - Tutoring & Mentoring
SKATING supported faculty in implementing and coordinating tutoring efforts. The team prepared prospective tutors for their work through didactic training and provided them with advice during their work. In addition, SKATING organized a semester-long peer mentoring program. Here, the team supported students from higher semesters in being able to successfully advise and accompany first-year students. -
Scientific Writing
The team guided students in their writing projects and supported the development of appropriate skills - primarily through a faculty-wide writing consultation, peer writing tutors, and a biannual "Unwritten Bachelor's Thesis (and Other Writing Projects) Writing Night." In addition, the team supported faculty-specific initiatives and events to promote fluency and writing-intensive teaching.
Publications and lectures
During the more than ten years of the project, a large number of publications have been produced in the various fields of higher education didactics of SKATING together with the project partners. You will find these listed in the following section, as well as the publications resulting from the joint work in the environment of the project. In addition, the presentations and workshops held at professional conferences with the participation of the project are listed.
- Antinori, S., Bekk, S., Klischat, C. & Wurll, C. (2018). Long Night of Electrical Engineering. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 77, Summer Semester 2018, 19th pdf
- Antinori, C. & Metzger, G. (2018). Long nights at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 78, WS 2018/19, 82. pdf
- Bekk, S., Haas, M., Just, J. & Zellner, M. (2017). Meet the experts! Fireside evening with mentors. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 75, Summer Semester 2017, 73. pdf
- Bekk, S. & Heigl, S. (2019). Language and performance - fostering communication through theater pedagogical methods. In Regier, S., Regier, K. & Zellner, M. (Eds.), Promoting language competence in higher education. Theoretical concepts and practical experiences (pp. 297-321). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Link
- Bekk, S., Just, J. & Zellner, M. (2018). Meet the experts! Fireside evening with mentors. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 77, Summer Semester 2018, 83. pdf
- Berendes, J. (2012). The SKATING project. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 66, WS 2012/2013, 81. pdf
- Berendes, J. (2014). A question of attitude? Reflections on a new (and old) key concept for teaching. In Rentschler, M., Metzger, G. (Eds.), Perspectives of applied higher education didactics - studies and field reports (pp. 229-258). Aachen: Shaker. pdf
- Berendes, J. (2018). Philosophical ethics as a reflective tool for teachers to clarify normative implications in teaching. In Gücker, R. (Ed.), University teachers as reflective practitioners. Practice and reflection. Hamburg: Dr. Hovac (pp. 25-56). pdf
- Berendes, J. (2018). Writing night of the unwritten bachelor thesis. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 78, WS 2018/19, 81-82. pdf
- Berendes, J., Gutmann, M. (2020). Why laboratory? On the neglected epistemology behind laboratory didactics. In Terkowsky, C. et al. (Eds.) Laboratories in higher education teaching. Didactics, digitalization, organization. Bielefeld: wbv (pp. 35-49). DOI: 10.3278/6004804w035. pdf
- Bosch, M. & Zellner, M. (2018). The "TeamUp-Mentoring" program from the SKATING project. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 78, WS 2018/19, 83. pdf
- Braun, I. (2014). The challenge of peer instruction - Efforts towards a double concept shift in teaching. In Rentschler, M., Metzger, G. (Eds.), Perspectives of applied higher education didactics - Studies and field reports (113-140). Aachen: Shaker. pdf
- Braun, I., Metzger, G., Ritter, S., Vasko, M. &, Voss, H.-P. (2012). The ICM at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences - a non-quantized flip. In J. Handke, A. Sperl (Eds.), The Inverted Classroom Model. A companion volume to the first German ICM conference (pp. 117-137). Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag. link
- Braun, I. & Metzger, G. (2013). Peer Instruction: workshop with Harvard professor. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 68, WS 2013/2014, 11-12. pdf
- Braun, I., Ritter, S., & Vasko, M. (2014) Inverted Classroom by Topic - A Study in Mathematics for Electrical Engineering Students. International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), Vol 4, No 3. doi:10.3991/ijep.v4i3.3299 link
- Braun, I., Ritter, S., Vasko, M. (2012). Inverted Classroom - the lecture turned upside down. The New University, 5/2012, 166-169.
- Hartwig, J. (2012). Project: 'Successful start - three-stage study entry at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences' - study models of individual speed. In W.-D. Webler, (Ed.), Studieneingangsphase - Das Bachelor-Studium braucht eine neue Studieneingangsphase! (Volume II - Solution Models) (pp. 51-58).
- Just, J. & Zellner, M. (2019). TeamUp- & Alumni mentoring: you ask. We answer. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 79, Summer Semester 2019, 57. pdf
- Kallweit, M. & Vasko, M. (2018). Using digital practice tasks in university teaching. In U. Kortenkamp & A. Kuzle (Eds.), Contributions to mathematics education 2017 (pp. 1175-1176). Münster: WTM-Verlag. pdf
- Klischat, C. & Vasko, M. (2018). Engineering education for digital transformation. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 78, WS 2018/2019, 36. pdf
- Klischat, C., Becker, B. & Vasko, M. (2019). STACK is more than Maths - Development of Online Problems for Mechanics and Electrotechnics, Contributions to the 1st International STACK conference 2018. Fürth: Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.257711 pdf
- Koser, E. (2018). Questions from teaching practice in FORUM SKATING. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 78, WS 2018/19, 84. pdf
- Kunde, P., Kallweit, M. & Vasko, M. (2018). Digital mathematics tasks in higher education. Contributions to mathematics education 2018 (pp. 95-96). Münster: WTM-Verlag. pdf
- Kunde, P., Kallweit, M. & Vasko, M. (2018). Introduction to the mini-symposium "Digital mathematics tasks in higher education." Contributions to Mathematics Education 2018 (pp. 1111-1114). Münster: WTM-Verlag. pdf
- Short, G., Linsner, M. & Metzger, G. (2014). Study success and its prediction. A case study in engineering programs at the Esslingen University of Applied Sciences. In Rentschler, M., Metzger, G. (Eds.), Perspectives of applied higher education didactics - Studies and field reports (pp. 13-79). Aachen: Shaker. pdf
- Langer, B., Metzger, G. & Zellner, M. (2016). Semester-long learning through audio learning courses (RAL). Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 74, WS 2016/17, 71. pdf
- Meier, K., Zellner, M. (2019): Higher education didactic opportunities to promote oral participation in students - Prerequisites, challenges and methodological ideas. In Regier, S., Regier, K. & Zellner, M. (Eds.), Promoting oral competence in university teaching. Theoretical concepts and practical experiences. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 13 - 52. Link
- Metzger, G., Dürrschnabel, K. & Schröder, J. (2016). First results and recommendations from the LUMa study. "Longitudinal evaluation of support measures in mathematics" (LUMa) - a study of Baden-Württemberg universities of applied sciences. In Dürr, R., Dürrschnabel, K., Loose, F., Wurth, R. (Eds.), Mathematics between school and university. Shaping the transition to WiMINT studies - Results of a symposium, Esslingen 2015 (pp. 33-80). Wiesbaden: Springer Spektrum.
- Metzger, G., Rentschler, M., von Schwerin, R., Voss, H.-P. (Eds.). (2013). Cooperative development of subject-specific study ability tests at universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulen) in the state of Baden-Württemberg. Report - Beiträge zur Hochschuldidaktik, Vol. 43. Aachen: Shaker.
- Metzger, G. & Vasko, M. (2014). The human in the machine? Teachers as key to the successful use of electronic tools in university teaching. In Rentschler, M., Metzger, G. (Eds.), Perspectives of applied higher education didactics - Studies and field reports (pp. 165-202). Aachen: Shaker. pdf
- Metzger, G (2019). Lecturer survey in the SKATING project. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 79, Summer Semester 2019, 56.
- Project Team SKATING (2016). Project SKATING receives further funding. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 74, WS 2016/17, 65. pdf
- Regier, K., Regier, S. & Zellner, M. (2019): Why language competence? - A reflection. In Regier, S., Regier, K. & Zellner, M. (Eds.), Promoting language competence in university teaching. Theoretical concepts and practical experiences. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 3 - 12. Link
- Regier, S., Regier, K. & Zellner, M. (Eds.) (2019). Promoting language competence in university teaching. Theoretical concepts and practical experiences. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Link
- Ritter, S. & Vasko, M. (2018). Examples of comprehension tasks for engineering mathematics in digital form. In U. Kortenkamp & A. Kuzle (Eds.), Contributions to mathematics education 2017 (pp. 1197-1200). Münster: WTM-Verlag. pdf
- Vasko, M. (2016). Math practice is fun with ILIAS and STACK. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 74, WS 2016/17, 68. pdf
- Vasko, M., Ritter, S. & Metzger, G. (2018). Online homework exercises in engineering mathematics: supporting students with different prior knowledge. In U. Kortenkamp & A. Kuzle (Eds.), Contributions to mathematics education 2017 (pp. 1201-1204). Münster: WTM-Verlag. pdf
- Vasko, M., Ritter, S. & Metzger, G. (2018). Online Homework in Engineering Mathematics: Can We Narrow the Performance Gap? International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), Vol 8, No 1. doi:10.3991/ijep.v8i1.7526 pdf
- Vasko, M. (2017). An online system for engineering mathematics heaping tasks - opportunities and challenges. In D. Schott (Ed.), Proceedings 14th workshop mathematics in engineering courses. Erlangen September 2017 (pp. 34-42). Wismar Frege Series, Issue 01/2017. Wismar: Wismar University of Applied Sciences. pdf
- Vasko, M. (2018). Interactive graphical tasks with STACK and JSXGraph. Contributions to mathematics education 2018 (pp. 1855-1858). Münster: WTM-Verlag. pdf
- Zellner, M., Gleisberg, T., Leske, S., Hilken, L. & Bünte, N. (2018). Formats and suggestions for sharing accumulated experiences between tutors*. In #Networked. Contributions from the network tutorial work at universities, No. 4. pdf
- Zellner, M., Schmidt, K., Bosch, M. (2018): TeamUp-Mentoring. Contribution in the university radio "Hörbar" to the mentoring program. mp3
Other publications in the project environment
- cosh - cooperation schule:hochschule (2014). Minimum requirements catalog mathematics (version 2.0) of the universities of Baden-Württemberg for a study of WiMINT subjects (economics, mathematics, computer science, natural science and technology). Result of a meeting on 05.07.2012 and a meeting on 24.-26.02.2014. pdf
- Boll, C. & Pralle, N. (2018). Successful in the competition "MINTernational innovativ". Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 78, WS 2018/2019, 75.
- Gust, H. (2016). 680,000 € from the state for new learning center "H.ErT.Z". Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 74, Winter Semester 2016/17, 61. pdf
- Schröder, J. (2014). The MAFFIN - Mathematics Support at the Faculty IMM. Magazine of the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 69, Summer Semester 2014, 38. pdf
- Dürrschnabel, K. (2013). Mathematik im Spannungsfeld Schule-Hochschule. Magazin der Hochschule Karlsruhe, Issue 68, WS 2013/14, 47-48. pdf
- Dürrschnabel, K. (2017). cosh - Cooperation Schule-Hochschule in Mathematik now also for Karlsruhe. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 76, WS 2017/18, 70. pdf
- Fischer, H. & Kaspar, P. (2017). Scientific writing needs to be learned. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 76, WS 2017/18, 26. pdf
- Henning, P. (2016). Digitization of university teaching: Important task or fad? Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 73, Summer Semester 2016, 59-60. pdf
- Morgenstern, T. (2016). Mathematics teaching conference at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 73, Summer Semester 2016, 11. pdf
- Morgenstern, T. (2019). Acquiring writing competence - already in undergraduate studies. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 79, Summer Semester 2019, 37.
- Ritter, S. (2012). Inverted Classroom - the lecture turned upside down. Magazine of Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 66, WS 2012/13, 76. pdf
- Scherrer, Marina (2019). Enhancing language competence in foreign language teaching - Practical example of a group discussion in Technical English C1. In Regier, S., Regier, K. & Zellner, M. (Eds.), Promoting language competence in university teaching. Theoretical concepts and practical experiences. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 229 - 250. Link
- Strohrmann, M. (2015). Systems Theory Online. Magazine of the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Issue 71, Summer Semester 2015, 33. pdf
- Westermann, T. (2013). iMath-Mediathek. Magazin der Hochschule Karlsruhe, Issue 68, WS 2013/14, 38. pdf
Lectures and workshops
- cosh - cooperation schule:hochschule (2017). cosh on site - Karlsruhe. An event at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 26.04.2017.
- Becker, P., Klischat, C. & Vasko, M. (2018). STACK can do more than math - Development of online tasks for electrical engineering and engineering mechanics. Paper presented at the 1st International STACK Conference, Fürth, Germany, 15.11.2018.
- Berendes, J. (2013). Death and lifelong learning. Lecture in the context of the Teaching Year Program, Hasenwinkel Castle, 13.5.2013.
- Berendes, J. (2013). The SKATING project. Lecture in the context of the Lehren annual program, Hasenwinkel Castle, 14.5.2013.
- Berendes, J. (2014). Philosophical ethics as an offer of reflection for teachers to clarify normative implications of teaching. Paper presented at the conference "University Teachers as Reflective Practitioners." Conference at the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Media and Information, 7.10.2014.
- Berendes, J. (2015). "Service Learning" as a (new) teaching and learning format for sustainable development. Presentation at the 18th Conference of Sustainability Officers, Reutlingen, 27.3.2015.
- Berendes, J. (2015). Philosophical ethics as a reflection offer for teachers to clarify normative implications of teaching. Paper presented at the Lehre hoch n-Netzwerktagung, Wälderhaus Hamburg, March 20-21, 2015.
- Berendes, J. & Bosch, M. (2018). Support services for academic writing - formats, challenges, perspectives. Workshop in the context of the GHD continuing education program, Karlsruhe, 26.06.2018.
- Braun, I. & Berendes, J. (2014). The method "Peer Instruction" - hochscuhldidaktische Grundlagen und Anwendung. Workshop in the context of the GHD advanced training program, Karlsruhe, 28.05.2014.
- Braun, I., Ritter, S. & Vasko, M. (2013). Inverted Classroom - the lecture is upside down. Paper presented at the Nexus conference Knowledge and Skills: Formulating and designing competence goals, learning outcomes and exams in a student-centered way, Cologne, 15.07.2013.
- Braun, I., Ritter, S. & Vasko, M. (2014). Use of online exercises in beginning mathematics lectures. Paper presented at the GDM conference Neue Tendenzen in der Mathematik-Didaktik, Essen, 28-29 November 2014
- Dürrschnabel, K. & Schröder, J. (2014). Learning center MAFFIN mathematics promotion for information management and media. Poster presented at the conference Neue Wege in der tutoriellen Lehre in der Studieneingangsphase, Darmstadt, 10-11.03.2014.
- Engelbrecht, D., & Vasko, M. (2016). Online exercises in STEM subjects with STACK plug-in for ILIAS and Moodle. Poster presented at the NEXUS conference "Digital forms of teaching for student-centered and competence-oriented studies", at the Freie Universität Berlin, 16-17.06.2016.
- Hüther, J. & Böhler, A. (2013). Mathematics tutors networking - A practical example from Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. Paper presented at the Hanseatic Colloquium on Higher Education Didactics in Mathematics 2013, Lübeck, 08.-09.11.2013.
- Hüther, J. & Metzger, G. (2013). Tutorial support system at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. Presentation at the nationwide network meeting tutorial work at universities, Karlsruhe, 27.-28.05.2013.
- Kallweit, M. & Vasko, M. (2017). Designing math exercises online - open tasks with automatic evaluation. Workshop in the context of the GHD advanced training program, Karlsruhe, 15.02.2017.
- Kallweit, M. & Vasko, M. (2017). Use of digital practice tasks in university teaching. A section in the context of the GDM annual conference 2017, Potsdam, 02.03.2017.
- Kallweit, M. & Vasko, M. (2018). Designing math exercises online with STACK - open tasks with automatic evaluation. Workshop in the context of the GHD advanced training program, Stuttgart, 19.04.2018.
- Kunde, P., Kallweit, M. & Vasko, M. (2018). Digital mathematics tasks in higher education. A mini-symposium in the context of the GDMV Annual Meeting 2018, Paderborn, March 06-07, 2018
- Rathmann, W. & Vasko, M. (2017). "Hands-on tutorial: STACK - First steps into a new world of questions". Workshop at the 16th International ILIAS Conference, Freiburg am Breisgau, 15.09.2017.
- Rathmann, W. & Vasko, M. (2018). STACK question type workshop, Aachen, 13.04.2018.
- Ritter, S. (2017). Online exercises to support learning objectives in engineering mathematics. A presentation at the fall meeting of the GDM's Arbeitskreis HochschulMathematikDidaktik and the Hanse-Kolloquium zur Hochschuldidaktik der Mathematik, Göttingen, 11.11.2017.
- Ritter, S. & Vasko, M. (2015). Concept and experiences on online exercises with Maple T.A./STACK. Paper presented at the fall meeting of the GDM working group "HochschulMathematikDidaktik", Nürtingen, 27-28.11.2015.
- Ritter, S. & Vasko, M. (2017). Examples of comprehension tasks for engineering math.
- Strohrmann, M. & Klischat, C. (2013). L2OV - grasping theory practically. Presentation at the "Forum Nachhaltige Lehre: Perspektiven für eine flexible Studienstruktur und für aktivierendes Lehren" of the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, Pforzheim-Hohenwart, 21-22.11.2013.
- Vasko, M. (2012), Inverted Classroom in Engineering Studies. Paper presented at Online Educa 2012, Berlin, 29-30.11.2012.
- Vasko, M. (2014). Maple T.A. Talk presented at the conference Mathematics Teaching in Higher Education, Dresden, 21-22.03.2014.
- Vasko, M. (2014). Assignments with peer feedback for engineering students. Paper presented at the 13th International ILIAS Conference, Bolzano, 30.09.-01.10.2014.
- Vasko, M. (2016). Online home exercises with STACK un ILIAS. Presentation at the meeting of the Moodle Arbeitskreis, Mannheim, 14.07.2016.
- Vasko, M. (2016). Online exercises in STEM subjects with STACK and ILIAS. Presentation at the symposium "Real campus meets virtual campus: what changes in teaching?", Karlsruhe, 12.10.2016.
- Vasko, M., Ritter, S. & Metzger, G. (2017). Online homework exercises in engineering mathematics: supporting students with different prior knowledge. Paper presented at the GDM Annual Meeting 2017, Potsdam, 02.03.2017.
- Vasko, M. (2017). Connecting JSXGraph with STACK tasks. Talk given at the SIG Math+ILIAS meeting, Aachen, 08.03.2017.
- Vasko, M. (2017). STACK question pool at HsKA. Presentation at the meeting "Exchange project OPTES and project SKATING to develop STACK tasks with helpful feedback", Karlsruhe, 27.04.2017.
- Vasko, M. (2017) STACK Workshop. Workshop at FH Aachen, 31.05.2017.
- Vasko, M. (2017) An online system for engineering mathematics homework - opportunities and challenges. Paper presented at the 14th Ingmath Workshop "Mathematics in Engineering Science Courses", Erlangen, Germany, 18.09.2017.
- Vasko, M. (2017) Stack plugin in Moodle. Designing mathematical exercises online. Workshop at Stuttgart University of Applied Sciences, 12.10.2017.
- Vasko, M. (2018). Interactive graphical tasks with STACK and JSXGraph. Talk given at the GDMV Annual Meeting 2018, Paderborn, Germany, 07.03.2018.
- Vasko, M. (2018). Developing Interactive Graphical Questions with STACK and JSXGraph. Workshop in the context of the 1st international STACK conference, Fürth, 15.11.2018.
- Voss, H.-P., Berendes, J. & Metzger, G. (2015). Competence orientation in studying and teaching. Workshop in the context of the GHD advanced training program, Karlsruhe, 14.10.2015.
- Voss, H.-P., Metzger, G. & Hüther, J. (2013). Project SKATING: Study reform process Karlsruhe for the transformation of engineering studies. Poster presented at the 42nd Dghd Annual Conference "Professionalization of Higher Education Didactics", at the Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences, 04.-06.03.2013.
The two funding phases of this project were supported by funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the funding codes 01PL11014 and 01PL16014. The responsibility for the content of this project description lies with the authors.