Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics
Student projects to participate

The IOTech Café
The "maker-space" for students to chill, think and be active
Building F in front of room F105 - during lunch break between 11:00 and 13:00
(Currently suspended due to Corona)
A break in which you sit back in your chair and sip your coffee with pleasure sounds good (or eat fresh popcorn). It's even better when, while drinking your coffee, you overhear all kinds of mini-projects in which your fellow students are building mini-robots, flying Lego drones or running a 3D print. This is motivating, gives you ideas and invites you to build something yourself during the break. Project work that is part of the studies can also be continued here.
For this purpose, the IOTech coffee offers a whole range of construction kits with which you can build fun or useful objects and deal with electronics, mechanics and programming.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Olivier Schecker
olivier.schecker @h-ka.de