Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences


Trinational Team Oriented Student Projects

Concept, design, manufacturing and assembly of 3D-printed draisines

About the "Drais3D-Trinational"-Project

Students from the University of Applied Sciences Karlsruhe and the Universiti Malaysia Pahang as well as from Addis Ababa Institute of Technology are working in mixed teams in Germany and Malaysia as well as one local team in Ethiopia on projects focusing on the topic of designing, manufacturing and analysis of bionic-inspired Draisines. Through the project, the students gain intercultural competencies and are optimally prepared for working on international projects in globally operating companies.

  • Mixed teams (and one local team in Ethiopia)

  • Concept finding

  • CAD-design

  • Finite-element-analysis

  • Manufacturing (3D-printing)

  • Assembly (with supporting materials)

  • Tests → optimisation

  • Final conference → online race

Project years

Summer semesters 2023 - 2025

Are you a student and interested in participating?

Research group leader

Prof. Dr. Maurice Kettner

Tel.: +49 (0)721 925-1845
Fax: +49 (0)721 925-1915


The Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM supports the international exchange of students and vocationally qualified people. Since 2001, it has enabled more than 25,000 young people from Baden-Württemberg to gain experience abroad and allowed scholarship holders from other countries to visit Baden-Württemberg. Approximately 1,500 young people receive a
Baden-Württemberg-STIPENDIUM each year.

The Baden-Württemberg Stiftung

advocates a vital Baden-Württemberg with a high quality of life for all its residents. It helps pave the way for advanced technological progress, high quality education, and a responsible relationship with fellow human beings. The Baden-Württemberg Stiftung is one of the major foundations in Germany. It is the only foundation which exclusively and above party lines invests in the future of the state of Baden-Württemberg – and thus in the future of its citizens.