Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Energy Harvesting - Publications


  • Ahrend U, Aleksey M,  Berning M, Gebhardt J, Mendoza F, Schulz D: Challenges of the digital transformation: The role of sensors, sensor networks, IoT-devices, and 5G. In: Internet of Things, Volume 15 (2021), 100406 (Electronic publication: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.iot.2021.100406)
  • Pal F.J, Langebach R, Andjelkovic M, Ahrend U, Hesse U, Ellwein C: MEMS Beschleunigungssensoren für die Überwachung von Kältemittelverdichtern. In: Tagungsband Deutscher Kälte- und Klimatechnischer Verein - DKV (2021)


  • Ahrend U: Why autonomous sensor technology is necessary for autonomous systems. 10th VDE/GMM EASS Conference (Energy Autonomous Sensor Systems) (Karlsruhe, 05.03.2020)


  • Ahrend U, Aleksey M, Gebhardt J, Berning M, Mendoza F, Schulz D: Challenges of the digital transformation: The role of sensors, sensor networks, IoT-devices, and 5G. Proceedings of First International Conference on Societal Automation (SA), Krakow, 2019.


  • Ahrend U, Gebhardt J. Berning M: Low-cost sensors for intelligent building automation in houses. Proceedings VDI Congress Automation 2018, Baden Baden, 2018


  • Ahrend U, König K: Energy Harvesting in Automation Technology. Proceedings 18th GMA/ITG Symposium Sensors and Measurement Systems 2016, Nuremberg, 2016