The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has set up its own scholarship program for students at universities of applied sciences (HAW/FH). Funding is provided for study periods abroad with monthly full scholarship rates of approximately 1,000 euros over a period of three to six months. Allowances for travel and health insurance abroad can be added. Scholarships are also awarded for final theses and for participation in conferences and fairs.
Please note that simultaneous funding via Erasmus or PROMOS and HAW.International is not possible.
The application deadlines are
- 31.10.2023 for scholarships starting between March and June 2023
- 28.02.2023 for scholarships starting between July and October 2023
The application deadlines can also be found in the DAAD scholarship database (in German only).
All information can be found on the HAW.International website of the DAAD under "Module C".
Your contact person at HKA is Hannes Schwarz in the International Office.