Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Eine Person steht auf einem Berg, reicht einer zweiten Person die Hand und hilftihr so, auf den Berg zu kommen.


Become a Buddy for our international exchange students!

When are you needed as a Buddy?

Mainly before and at the beginning of the semester, i.e. September/October or February/March. However, friendships often develop here that last beyond the semester.

What do you do as a buddy?

You take care of a small group (4-8 people) of foreign students who will be coming to HKA for one or two semesters. This includes activities such as:

  • Support before arrival, e.g. finding accommodation, orientation on the website (e.g. Ilias), help with enrollment and registration RZ account, information about arrival ...
  • Support during the first weeks, e.g. pick-up from the train station, accompaniment to accommodation, orientation on campus and in Karlsruhe, help with registration at the citizens' office, leisure activities, participation in the orientation and welcome week ...

In addition, participation in an introductory event is mandatory. For the winter semester this takes place on 18.07. and for the summer semester on 17.01. (usually via ZOOM).
If you do the Buddy program to the extent of 2 ECTS credits, you must submit a short reflection report, or a reflection video. If you are doing the buddy program as part of the CIIC/Bachelor International, you must attend a reflection workshop.
You are also welcome to volunteer (without ECTS) as a Buddy.

All Buddies are also in contact with each other and can therefore also organize joint activities.

Why should you become a buddy?

  • It is the perfect opportunity for you to get in touch with international students.
  • You have a lot of flexibility and freedom in shaping the buddy relationship.
  • For participating in the Buddy Program you will receive 2 ECTS points and can therefore have it recognized as an elective in many degree programs (please contact your program advisor for this).
  • Participation in the Buddy Program (for 3ECTS) is also a possible component of the Certificate of International and Intercultural Competence (CIIC) and a mandatory part of the Bachelor International.
  • International students may receive a scholarship for participation (please contact us for questions and availabilty).

Which qualifications should you have?

  • motivation and interest to get involved with other cultures
  • knowledge of foreign languages (Englisch B2 and min. German Level B1)
  • international / intercultural experience (not a must)

Are you interested?

If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to buddy.iospam prevention@h-ka.de at the International Office or drop by the office.

for the summer semester: January 03
for the winter semester: July 03
You will be informed shortly after the application deadline whether participation is possible.


International Office
Lea Scholz
Anna Tillhon

Phone: +49 (0)721 925-1086
Fax: +49 (0)721 925-1089
incomingspam prevention@h-ka.de

Building R, room 006
Moltkestraße 30
76133 Karlsruhe