Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Main research areas

Main research areas

Zwei Wissenschaftler arbeiten am Energie- und Reichweitenkonzept eines E-Autos

Innovative Mobility Concepts

The focus is on researching and shaping mobility and mobility systems in the future: new and further technical development of vehicles, maintenance, operation and future-proof transformation of infrastructure, integrated urban and traffic planning, as well as sustainable mobility management.

Key words: Transport Systems and Infrastructure; Road Safety and Automotive Security; Ubiquitous Mobility Systems; Alternative Drive Systems; Post-fossil and Environmentally Compatible Mobility; Autonomous and Connected Driving

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Energy Efficient mobility
Transportation and Infrastructure

Resources and Climate

The research activities of our scientists deal with the efficient use of resources. This includes, among others, the model- and data-driven development of new materials, energy-efficient design of heating and cooling systems, and optimization of the transport of fluids.

Key words: Computational Materials Science; Energy Systems; Climate and Environmental Technology; Refrigeration; Fluid Dynamics

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Digital Materials Research
Refrigeration, Air Conditioning and Environmental Engineering

Ein weiblicher Avatar in vier verschiedenen Körperposen

Intelligent Systems

Our researchers focus on the development and application of sensors, machine learning, communication networks, and information systems towards automation, to improve human-system interaction, and make decisions in all areas of business and society.

Key words: Artificial Intelligence (AI); Perceptive and Cognitive Systems; Sensor Systems; Data Centric Software Systems; Assistance and Augmented / Virtual Reality-Systems (AR/VR); Navigation

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Data-Centric Software Systems
Intelligent Interaction and Immersive Experiences
Intelligent Systems Research Group
Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Sensor and Information Systems

Work and Production

The focus is on the transformation of working environments towards automated manufacturing processes, the networking of industrial processes and the use of collaborative and autonomous robot systems. In doing so, our researchers also pay attention to the new role of humans in production processes.

Key words:  Innovation Management and Networked Innovation; Robotics; Industry 4.0; Cloud Technologies in Production and Logistics; Tool and Moulding Construction, Production Technologies; Work Design and Human-Technology Interaction

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Digital Economy and Venturing
Learning and Innovation in Networks
Materials and Processes


Vice-President for Research
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Franz Quint

Tel.: +49 (0)721 925-1038
franz.quintspam prevention@h-ka.de

Senior Management Assistant
Elena Stamm

Tel.: +49 (0)721 925-1077
elena.stammspam prevention@h-ka.de