Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Project RoLe4D, Cross-faculty Research Area for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence. Cross-faculty Research Area for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence


Learning Robotics in 4 Dimensions

Initial situation

The handling and programming of robots is best learned in practical application. Despite well-equipped cross-faculty industrial robotics labs, the available capacity at HKA is not sufficient to meet the high demand for robot lectures. As a result, students have too little face-to-face time at the robot to be able to deal intensively with the subject matter or, in some cases, do not get a seat in the lecture.

Project goal

Within the framework of RoLe4D, the existing teaching concept for Robotics at HKA is to be comprehensively further developed in order to significantly increase the practical component and learning success. In addition, more students are to be given access to Robotics.


Project manager
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wurll

Phone: +49 (0)721 925-1913
christian.wurllspam prevention@h-ka.de

all contacts


To achieve these goals, new interactive and immersive technologies and methods are to be used and evaluated so that the interaction of different learning locations is designed to be as conducive to learning as possible.

Teaching concept

The teaching concept to be developed comprises the 4 stages

  1. Introduction of an inverted classroom (use of interactive media)
  2. Use of virtual training cells (learning to program robots in a virtual world)
  3. Development of simulated training cells (creating the robot programs in the simulation and evaluating them in the real world) and
  4. Optimization of the real training cell (apply the knowledge learned in steps 1-3 in reality on the real robot).

Approximately 200 students and teachers from the Faculties of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Computer Science and Business Information Systems, Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics as well as the Faculty of Management Science and Engineering will be involved in the development of the new concept, so that all faculty-specific requirements can be taken into account. To round off the teaching concept, different, application-oriented examination concepts are developed and tested in the sense of constructive alignment. The quality of the teaching concept is ensured by the application of learning analytics methods as well as four iteration loops over several semesters and lectures and the active involvement of students in the development process as well as the evaluation and testing phases. The project team is accompanied and supported by the HKA -internal "Center for Teaching Innovation".


Ongoing project 09/2022 - 09/2024

Project funding

The Role4D project is funded by the Innovation in University Teaching Foundation as part of the "Freiraum 2022" funding program.