Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Institute for Robotics and Autonomous Systems


What are we doing?

Our Institute of Robotics and Autonomous Systems (IRAS) focuses on the application of machine learning in robotics and automation, as well as the integration of cloud technologies in autonomous robotic systems.

In our state-of-the-art robotics lab, we conduct research and practice on two floors. Our team is integrated by doctoral students, academic staff, and students from various faculties. At IRAS, we aim to promote cross-faculty collaboration to foster the exchange of ideas, drive innovation and establish a collaborative work culture.


Where are we?

IRAS is located on the modern HKA 2023+ model campus in the Technology Park. The vision here is to create new ways of cross-faculty collaboration and to promote future-oriented work. True to the motto Space for creative engineers.




Institute Spokesperson
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Björn Hein
Tel.: +49 (0)721 925-1942

Institute Assistance     
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wurll
Tel.: +49 (0)721 925-1913
christian.wurllspam prevention@h-ka.de

Our mission

We bring robotics to life and cultivate a collaborative work culture that encourages the free flow of ideas and foster innovation together.

Latest news

KATE - Doctoral College on Accessibility Through AI-Based Assistance Technologies

The KATE graduate school is a new cooperative and interdisciplinary graduate school between the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences (HKA) and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). The goal of the doctoral program is to enhance the autonomy and participation of people with disabilities through the use of artificial intelligence-based assistance systems. Currently, two of our IRAS employees are involved in KATE research projects.

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Best Paper Award Runner Up für Gergely Soti

Our research associate, Gergely Soti, wins the Best Paper Award Runner-Up for his article entitled 'Gradient-based Grasp Pose Optimization on a NeRF that Approximates Grasp Success' at 'The 18th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems 2023'. Project: KI5GRob

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IRAS Team at IAS-18

Our research associates Luisa Hornung, Philipp Augenstein, Gergely Soti, Moritz Weisenböhler, and Andreas Zachariae attended the conference 'The 18th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems' and presented their research results in four publications. Projects: KI5GRob, PeTRA, QualiTED, Tourings

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Received a Teaching Award for Excellence in Higher Education

On June 29, 2023, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Björn Hein and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wurll received the Teaching Award from KIT during the Hector School's graduation ceremony.

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Publication accepted at IROS

Our research associate Yucheng Tang's article titled 'Reachability-aware Collision Avoidance for Tractor-Trailer System with Non-linear MPC and Control Barrier Function' has been accepted at the renowned IEEE conference IROS. The project associated with this research is PeTRA.

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Demonstration einer Greifaufgabe durch Prof. Dr.-Ing. Björn Hein

Robotics with AI support in industrial applications

Impressions from the Innovation Alliance: Latest developments from the robotics research landscape in Karlsruhe. The team from the iRAS research group, led by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Björn Hein, demonstrated how robots can be programmed through a grasping task demonstration.

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Generalprobe Robot Cup - Technika x IRAS

Fri, 28.06.2024 | 15:00 bis 18:00

Location: HKA TP

Faculty: Institut für Robotik und autonome Systeme

Der „Karlsruher Schul-Robotik-Cup“ ist eine Veranstaltung der technika | Karlsruher Technik-Initiative des CyberForum e.V., in enger Zusammenarbeit mit der fischertechnik-AG des Bismarck Gymnasiums unter dem Dach der Schülerakademie Karlsruhe e.V. Schirmherr der Veranstaltung ist die fischertechnik GmbH.

Die unterschiedlichen Teams treten in einer von mehreren Disziplinen („Rettungsroboter“, „Einparkroboter“ und „Aufräumroboter“) gegeneinander an und dürfen sich beweisen. 

Wir sind daher besonders stolz in diesem Jahr die Generalprobe für den Schul-Robotik-Cup hosten zu dürfen.

Eine Woche vor dem eigentlichen Robotik-Cup kommen die Teams bei uns im Haus zusammen und werden ihre Roboter noch einmal auf Herz und Nieren testen. Auf Teststrecken und unter den strengen Blicken der Probejury haben die Schüler so die Möglichkeit auftretende Fehler zu korrigieren und zu lernen wie sie in Drucksituationen umgehen können. Wir sind gespannt auf die Teams und auf die Herausforderungen, die wir uns überlegt haben.


Project Field Publications Team Student research Facilities