Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
lecturer and two students preparing an experiment at the high voltage lab

Becoming a StudiumPLUS partner

Combining theory and practice

The cooperative study model StudiumPLUS combines academic studies at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences with practical experience at the corporate partner. This gives students the opportunity to work on exciting projects in the company even when studying and to put the knowledge they have acquired at university directly into practice. Two options are available for this: StudiumPLUS Apprenticeship (StudiumPLUS Ausbildung) with integrated traineeship, and StudiumPLUS Experience (StudiumPLUS Praxis) with integrated additional practical experience.


StudiumPLUS Apprenticeship

The StudiumPLUS Apprenticeship program combines a Bachelor's degree with vocational training in a company. Students following this program acquire two professional qualifications at the same time: A bachelor's degree from Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences and a vocational qualification from either the Industrie- und Handelskammer (Chamber of Industry and Commerce), or the Handwerkskammer (Chamber of Trade).


StudiumPLUS Experience

StudiumPLUS Experience combines the bachelor's degree with additional, in-depth practical components at a company. In contrast to StudiumPlus Apprenticeship, students in this variant do not complete vocational training but acquire practical knowledge through practical phases in the company: Internship semester, bachelor's thesis as well as traineeships during semester breaks.



+ Targeted recruiting
With StudiumPLUS you increase the training offered by your company and address a particularly high-performing target group.

+ Early commitment
You win over your junior staff for your company even during their training and retain highly qualified employees at an early stage.

+ High employability
The long practical phases in StudiumPLUS allow students to participate in your projects and increase start-up efficiency when taking on new employees.

+ Promoting high-performance talents
With StudiumPLUS, you can promote young talents by giving them in-depth practical training in addition to their studies, thus turning them into future top performers for your company.

+ Innovation through cooperation and networks
By cooperating with Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, you ensure your innovative capacity by means of a high level of technology and knowledge transfer. We offer you platforms for exchange with other partner companies participating at StudiumPLUS as well as other relevant topics of recruiting young talent.

Steps to become a partner

Become recognized as a training company (only for StudiumPlus Apprenticeship)

A company must be authorized to train apprentices in one of the occupations listed as combination options under StudiumPlus Apprenticeship in order to join the apprenticeship-integrated study model. If this is not the case, please contact the Industrie- und Handelskammer (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) for further information.

Check the fit of study and training contents (only for StudiumPlus Apprenticeship)

Please make sure that the apprenticeship occupations offered in your company fit the study programs offered as combination. Occupations that are not yet matched to a combination can be added upon request.

Plan your personnel requirements

You need to analyze the need for academically qualified staff at your company as early as possible and carry out appropriate cost planning.

Your company must have at least one trainer in accordance with the Ordinance on Trainer Aptitude, who is both the contact person for the trainees and responsible for the training as a whole within the company. The trainer's license can be obtained promptly. Detailed information is available at the Chamber of Trade, or Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Contact HKA

We will be happy to inform you in a detailed consultation about StudiumPLUS, the possible fields of study in your company and answer all your questions.

Call for applications

We recommend that you advertise the dual study places on your company website in the Careers / Jobs section or on your traineeship pages so that students can apply directly. Likewise, we will advertise you right off as a StudiumPLUS partner on our website as well as in our social media channels, flyers, at Campus Day, career information fairs, and in schools.

Selecting applicants

The selection of applicants is entirely up to you. To be admitted to one of the StudiumPLUS degree programs, applicants must have a higher education entrance qualification valid in Baden-Württemberg (general or subject-specific higher education entrance qualification or qualification for study at a universitiy of applied sciences, or equivalent international qualification) and a good to very good final grade. In addition, StudiumPLUS students must be highly motivated. We therefore recommend that applicants should also demonstrate a high level of motivation, practical interest, flexibility, independence, initiative, and team spirit.

Employment contract

You need to conclude an IHK training contract* and a StudiumPLUS contract with the StudiumPLUS applicant. We will be happy to provide you with a sample contract for drawing up an employment contract for the entire duration of StudiumPLUS.

No cooperation agreement is concluded with the university. This means that you have the possibility to determine the number of StudiumPLUS students flexibly and according to your needs, even at short notice.

There is an agreement with the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and the Chambers of Trade (HWK) of our corporate partners that the StudiumPLUS students do not have to attend vocational school, as there is no longer any compulsory vocational schooling once the student reaches the age of 18. Also, the teaching of the training content is covered by the training companies and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences. If your IHK/HWK does not yet cooperate with the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, please contact your contact person and clarify the possibility of waiving vocational school.

Notification to the IHK

Please hand in a list of students under StudiumPLUS contracts at the Industrie- und Handelskammer (Chamber of Industry and Commerce).


*This only applies to students participating in the StudiumPlus Apprenticeship program. Participants in the Studium PLUS Experience program do not conclude an IHK training contract but only a StudiumPLUS contract with the company.


Center of Competence
International Program/ Course Coordinator and Advisor
Cordelia Makartsev

Phone: +49 (0)721 925-2505
cordelia.makartsevspam prevention@h-ka.de

Office hours:
Mon, Wed + Fri 9.00 a.m.-12.00 a.m.
+ consultations by appointment

Bldg F, room 009
Moltkestraße 30
76133 Karlsruhe