Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule KarlsruheHochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Alumni bei Absolventenfeier

Alumni Network

Welcome Networking


Stay in touch with the HKA! Become a member of our free alumni network and stay up to date this way. Browse our social media channels for the latest news from HKA and the alumni world. We look forward to meeting you!


Alumni Services

Tel.: +49 (0)721 925-2531

Building F, Room 312
Moltkestraße 30
76133 Karlsruhe

Alumni network registration

Simply email us at alumni@h-ka.de with your name, degree program, and graduation year.

Stay informed and connected

Alumni Newsletter

Get news from the HKA and alumni world twice a year with the Alumni Newsletter. Subscribe now by email to: alumni@h-ka.de

Social Networks

Our alumni are also active online. Network with us and other HKA alumni through our alumni group on LinkedIn

Encounter Engage Educate