Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Insights from the Sustainable INGENIUM Challenge

Discover the transformative journey of HKA students as they tackle sustainability challenges head-on in the Sustainable INGENIUM Challenge, fostering collaboration and innovation for a greener campus.

As the global call for sustainability grows louder, universities play a pivotal role in driving change. Recently, HKA had the privilege of participating in the Sustainable INGENIUM Challenge, an initiative aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in sustainability across European universities.

Despite the virtual setting, HKA students gathered in-person at the X Lab co-working space on campus, creating a dynamic environment for ideation and teamwork. Over the course of April 17th and 18th, 2024, 40 students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines came together online to tackle the theme of "Sustainable Development Goals at Campus Level."

The challenge was multifaceted, requiring participants to delve into various aspects of sustainability within higher education institutions. From rooftop gardens and meeting spaces to mobility solutions, each team explored innovative ideas fostering environmental awareness on campus.

As the event concluded, winners were announced, and their projects were celebrated for their impact and ingenuity. While the challenge may have ended, the spirit of sustainability lives on. The winning projects will be integrated into the broader INGENIUM Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal Agenda, ensuring their lasting impact on shaping a more sustainable future.

As the global call for sustainability grows louder, universities play a pivotal role in driving change. Recently, HKA had the privilege of participating in the Sustainable INGENIUM Challenge, an initiative aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation in sustainability across European universities.

Despite the virtual setting, HKA students gathered in-person at the X Lab co-working space on campus, creating a dynamic environment for ideation and teamwork. Over the course of April 17th and 18th, 2024, 40 students from diverse backgrounds and disciplines came together online to tackle the theme of "Sustainable Development Goals at Campus Level."

The challenge was multifaceted, requiring participants to delve into various aspects of sustainability within higher education institutions. From rooftop gardens and meeting spaces to mobility solutions, each team explored innovative ideas fostering environmental awareness on campus.

As the event concluded, winners were announced, and their projects were celebrated for their impact and ingenuity. While the challenge may have ended, the spirit of sustainability lives on. The winning projects will be integrated into the broader INGENIUM Sustainable Development Goals and the European Green Deal Agenda, ensuring their lasting impact on shaping a more sustainable future.