Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences

Doctoral projects

We offer continuous education from the bachelor's to the master's to the doctorate. Our professors will accompany you to your doctorate, whether through the Doctoral Association of Universities of Applied Sciences Baden-Württemberg or cooperatively together with a university in Germany or abroad. In the case of a cooperative doctorate, our professors take over the professional supervision and arrange contact with a university in Germany or abroad to which you can submit your dissertation. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact one of our professors.

Together with other universities of applied sciences, in September 2022 we obtained a right to award doctorates for our professors with proven research strengths in the Baden-Württemberg Doctoral Association. This will make the path to a doctorate easier for you.

Structured Doctoral Projects

You can do your doctorate in a structured way in two cooperative doctoral programs at or with the HKA. Structured means, among other things, that you are integrated into a group of doctoral fellowship recipients with professionally related doctoral topics. The two cooperative doctoral colleges are funded by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg (MWK).

Support services (open) for PhD students

Furthermore, you can network with like-minded people at Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences via our Doctoral Network.

Selected PhD Students


Referentin des Rektorats
Elena Stamm

Tel: +49 (0)721 925-1077
elena.stammspam prevention@h-ka.de