Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Hochschule Karlsruhe Hochschule Karlsruhe - University of Applied Sciences
Project adidas AIP, industry 4.0 with industrial robot


Feasibility study Automated Item Picking @ adidas AG


Picking and placing articles is a central task in many logistics and production processes. In practice these tasks, known as item or bin picking , are still mostly carried out manually. This is very expensive for companies and a monotonous and tiring work for employees. Due to the constantly growing demand for e-commerce, the requirements on the efficiency of the associated logistics processes are increasing.
The use of Automated Item Picking (AIP) is a central component for overcoming these challenges of logistic processes. AIP systems basically combine two thematic areas: the item detection through a computer vision system and the item handling by a gripper equipped robot. While the handling of the items can usually be solved successfully using either a clamp or a suction gripper, a robust item detection often leads to great difficulties in chaotic and cluttered scenes.


Project goals

In a cooperation project between Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, adidas AG, KUKA Deutschland GmbH, Zimmer Group and Roboception GmbH, a prototypical solution is developed to automate the order picking process for sports and fashion articles. The primary goal is to detect and pick shoeboxes and plastic-wrapped apparel fully automated from a load carrier. The developed prototype should prove the general feasibility of the provided use case using a robotic solution. Furthermore, the goal is to produce results regarding different performance indicators such as the reachable cycle time and system reliability.


Publications project team


  • Weisenböhler M, Walz M, Wurll C: Automated Item Picking : Machine Approach to Recognize Sports and Fashion Articles. In: Christ A, Quint F (Hrsg.): Artificial Intelligence : from Research to Application. L'Intelligence Artificielle : de la Recherche á l'Applicacion = Künstliche Intelligenz : von der Forschung in die Anwendung (Offenburg, 13.03.2019), Karlsruhe: Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences 2019, p. 71-75.- ISBN 978-3-9820756-0-0 (Electronic publication: https://arxiv.org/abs/1903.08495)
  • Weisenböhler M, Wurll C: Automated Item Picking for fashion articles using Deep Learning. In: ISR 2020; 52th International Symposium on Robotics. 52th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2020) (online, 09.-10.12.2020), Piscataway: IEEE 2020, p. 243-250.- ISBN 978-3-8007-5428-1 (Electronic publication: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9307478)

Student works


  • Augenstein, P: "Kameragestützte 3D Lage- und Positionsbestimmung zur Greifpunktplanung in der Intralogistik am Beispiel von Schuhkartons", bachelor thesis; Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 31.08.2019
  • Braun, D: "Analyse und Evaluierung von Tiefensensoren für die Objekterkennung am Beispiel eines vollautomatisierten, robotergestützten Kommissionierprozesses", master thesis; Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 28.02.2019
  • Deck, S, Bochinger, M: "Entwicklung und Evaluierung eines hybriden Greifsystems zur Automatisierung eines Kommissionierprozesses in der Intralogistik unter Einsatz numerischer Verfahren", joint Master thesis; Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 28.02.2019
  • Gerlach, M: "Transferfähigkeit synthetischer Bilddaten für tiefe neuronale Netze", master thesis; Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 27.02.2020
  • Kern, P: "Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Kollisionserkennung für das Automated Item Picking", bachelor thesis; Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 29.02.2020
  • Schätzle, M: "Entwicklung eines vollautomatisierten, robotergestützten Kommissionierkonzepts für die Logistik – Einsatz klassischer Bildverarbeitungsverfahren zur Objekterkennung", master thesis; Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 31.08.2018
  • Sobov, J: "Entwicklung, Implementierung und Erweiterung von Prozesslösungen zur Steigerung der Prozesssicherheit einer robotergestützten Kommissionierlösung in der Intralogistik", bachelor thesis; Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 30.08.2019

  • Walz, M: "Entwicklung eines vollautomatisierten, robotergestützten Kommissionierkonzeptes für die Logistik – Einsatz von maschinellem Lernen zur Objekterkennung", master thesis; Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, 31.08.2018


Completed project 07/2018 — 08/2019


Project partners

This project is funded by


Project manager
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Wurll

Phone: +49 (0)721 925-1913
christian.wurllspam prevention@h-ka.de

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